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Y/P=Your Powers


"Seriously, again?"

You scowled slightly at your best friend for a few seconds before you started to walk to your next class your friend close behind you.

"You know I'm not five right?"

"You know your on the top ten on the deadpool right?"

"Liam please don't remind me" your voice became cold as you swung open the door to the stairwell. You had many things to worry about including being priced very high on a supernatural dead pool.

"I'm just making sure nothing bad happens to you" The Beta said falling into step with you after a few minutes she sighed before responding "I get that but I have my powers to help just like you have yours."

It was true Y/P was pretty amazing which is most likely why you were priced so high on the list. You stopped outside your next class facing Liam,both staying quite until you spoke:

"I guess I'll see you after class then."

I'm sorry this is crappy af please don't hate me!

𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒  ° LIAM DUNBAR  ✓Where stories live. Discover now