Steven universe safe haven adventures homeworld bound: the revelation

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Zill and the others were on the galactic ray and on they reached their destination

Zill and the others were on the galactic ray and on they reached their destination

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Jack: we're here

Soon they entered the planet's atmosphere And soon they got a good look at the kingdom

Soon they entered the planet's atmosphere And soon they got a good look at the kingdom

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Zill: Pod bay doors opening

Soon they opened up and the gang looked below to se the metropolis below them

Soon they opened up and the gang looked below to se the metropolis below them

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Woog: holy moly!

Millie: beautiful

Elsa: it's a world covered with jewels

Spam: like seeing into the future

Dweeb: yeah!

Woog: it's like a vista!

Rex: look how big it is

Soon they made it to a particular part beer the palace

Zill: okay, stolas will park the galactic ray in this area while the rest of us go down there. When that's done, we'll find our own way to the palace using this map jack made, then we make it to the entrance and head down the hallways, and when we make it to where the diamonds will be with Steven in their clutches, we'll be there to attack and go all graphic on them! Beyond that, let's try not to step on anything we don't want to, woog

Steven universe safe haven adventuresWhere stories live. Discover now