The truce

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The gems were deep in a dark forest. They have been following the eagle for a few days and now we're completely lost, soon they heard something coming toward them and soon they heard a voice and turned around to see a black cat with blue strips with his mouth stretching to his eyes

 They have been following the eagle for a few days and now we're completely lost, soon they heard something coming toward them and soon they heard a voice and turned around to see a black cat with blue strips with his mouth stretching to his eyes

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Cat: it appears that your looking for something

Amethyst: wow! A talking cat

Cat: chashir cat, to be precise

Soon the "Cheshire cat" turned into smoke which flew to garnets shoulder but only revealed his face

Cheshire Cat: what are you doing in these woods? It isn't exactly your neighborhood

Soon his body revealed itself and he then landed on pearls head

Pearl: we're looking for someone

Soon he leapt off and floated in midair

Chashir cat: what do you call yourselves?

Garnet: we are the crystal gems

Cheshire Cat: THE crystal gems?

Amethyst: not sure with what you mean

Cheshire Cat: I never get involved in politics

Soon he barrel rolled away from the to the tree he sitting on earlier

Garnet: we need to find our friend Steven, we need to make sure he's alright

Soon the Cheshire Cat stayed where he was in midair and faced the gems

Cheshire Cat: very well, I'll take you to the mayor of our home but that will be it

Soon he vanished on sight and soon he reappeared on the left but far away

Chashir cat: you coming?

Soon garnet walked to the cat and pearl and amethyst followed her in confusion
Jackie was running through the jungle hoping to find Steven and hope she might save him from whatever would happen to him. But she still had tears in her eyes and couldn't see straight and bumped into garnet, soon they saw each other and knew they must have known steven

Garnet: hello there. Can you -

Jackie: please! You must help! My drama student is out their and who know what will happen to him!

Pearl: wow! Slow down, what's your name and what are you talking about?

Jackie: I'm jacinta Jackie Valdez , drama instructor of zoo Phoenix academy. And I need to find one of my students, he's out their in the hands of vicious monsters and if anything happened to him, I'll never forgive myself

Amethyst: don't worry, we'll help find the dude. We're lookin for a kid too

Jackie: oh. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

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