Orleans (Part 4)

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As the group made their way from the French army, they came across a nearby fort which seems to be abandoned.

"...It looks to be an abandoned fort" Mash said. "Let's rest here for now."

"How is Siegfried's wound" Jeanne asked towards Marie.

"My Noble Phantasm can heal wounds, just a bit" she said sadly. "But not this one, it seems."

"...It looks like some kind of curse" the Dragon Slayer deduced.

"It would appear that you have been cursed by Gilles de Rais(Caster) when you were heavily wounded Siegfried" Avicebron looked at him.

"It would appear so and I am sorry that I hold them down" he apologized.

"Can you not apologize all the time, at some point even right now, it will get very annoying" Gordes scolded him.

"I'm sorry" he apologized again.

"See this is what I'm talking about" Gordes pointed out.

"Why were you in that city" Jeanne asked.

"It seems that I was summoned relatively early" he answered. "I was drifting without a Master... That's when I saw the town being attacked."

"So you went to rescue them" Marie asked.

"Yes... Though It's not like when I was alive" he said. "Still, with Balmung, I managed somehow. When you're attacked by multiple Servants, it's not easy to pull off. ...Then one of them hid me in the castle. My wound wouldn't heal, and I couldn't ask anyone for help either. I had no choice but to wait."

"It's a good thing that we were able to capture Berserker of Red without too much trouble" Celenike stated before eyeing Astolfo.

Astolfo noticed it but tried to speak but the tape attached to his mouth prevented him from speaking. So he did the next thing he could possible do to communicate.

"What..." he held up a sign.

"Berserker of Red" Shirou asked as Jeanne decided to answer his question.

"Spartacus to be exact" she said.

"As in the Roman gladiator who led a slave revolt against the empire of Rome but failed yet pass the generation of future rebellions to other countries as ideas" Souichirou progressed the information as Ruler nodded.

"Was it a woman who could control a dragon" Mash asked Siegfried.

"Dragon? No, it was a turtle... No, a dragon... A dragon turtle... Now that you mention it, is it possible for that kind of dragon to exist" he begin to question. "Oh. She had the aura of a Ruler, similar to what you have."

"It was St. Martha, I'd say" Jeanne concluded.

"So that's St. Martha, the one who drove off the evil dragon Tarasque. I want to thank her-" he said before Mash became silent.

"I see, then never mind" he said as he noticed Mash's grim expression. "I am sure she's prepared for the worst. Still, I feel guilty that she saved me when I was useless."

"That's good to hear" Sieg smiled.

"Yeah" Astolfo signed.

"28 more minutes left" Zelretch looked at the timer.

"Baptism Rites could probably remove this curse. But, a Servant of considerably high rank must perform it-" Jeanne said but was cut off by Marie.

"You know if your son could have summoned me, I could've just use Rule Breaker to get rid of it right" Medea said as she looks at Rin.

"What does your Noble Phantasm do" she asked.

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