Fuyuki (Part 1)

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(A/N: Apologies but due to some difficulties, I cannot find the movie Fate/Grand Order: First Order. The anime sites are too out of reach due to their updates and that they have moved their webpage.)

(I will be doing most of the chapters on the video game version of both the NA and JP version of F/GO. When Babylonia comes, I might go try to fish out the episodes so I can recall some things but also to cut some scenes that are considered not important.)

(Nonetheless, this story is something I need to improve on. Telling stories is my forte but this is something called time and progress to come up with the reactions as well as the words.)

(Anyways, have fun watching the Fate/Stay Night characters watching the first scene of F/GO!!!)


Base sequence: human genome confirmed

Alignment: Lawful-Neutral

Welcome to the data center for the future of humankind. This is the Security Organization for the Preservation of Humanity, Chaldea.

The setting shows upon a snowy icy mountaintop, a secret base sat near one of its peaks.

"Woah," everyone muttered as they saw how immense the secret base is on the screen.

"Chaldea..." Rin muttered as she was mesmerized by the name.

"Preservation... of Humanity?" Archer pondered on the words. He knows the organization's name but what does it meant by preservation of Humanity.

"Damn, that must be one cold place for a base to be set up there," Lancer stated as he remembered his time in the Land of Shadows.

"Chaldea... Where did I heard that name before," Bazett wondered. Her time as an Enforcer had brought her some relationships with some of the Lords of the Clock Tower but she had heard of some plans to build an organization. Yet, she could not remember who it was from.

Fingerprint, voiceprint, and DNA authentication cleared. Magical Circuit assessment complete.

Username matched. You are recognized as a member of the primates.

Nice to meet you. You're our final visitor today.

We hope you enjoy your time here.

"What is this? Some kind of hotel?" Shinji asked as he was not impressed on what the computer voice was saying.

"Now, now Big Brother, we haven't seen anything yet," Sakura calmed down her adopted brother.

We are very sorry. Another 180 seconds is needed to complete the admission process. Enjoy a simulated battle as you wait.

"A simulated what now," Caren asked while Archer was getting an aboded feeling about this battle.

Regulation: Senior

Contract Servants: Saber, Lancer, Archer

There will be no record of your score. Please feel free to enjoy.

"WAIT WHAT," Mostly everyone shouted except Gilgamesh who seems unmoved by the revelation that the computer is giving someone Servants for free like rewarding a child for doing a good deed.

Activating Heroic Spirit Summoning System Fate. We hope you have a good experience as a Master for these 180 seconds.

"Well this is interesting," Medea stated unintentionally to everyone else. They were not only shocked that servants will be available but also there was a computer system that allows them to summon Servants.

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