Fuyuki (Finale)

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"For now, let's ask him about the situation." Romani open the communication as Olga Marie eyed him.

"Say is there any other Servants besides this dog that can help them" Archer scowled at Lancer before turning to Zelretch.

"You'll find out soon enough old friend" he stated which gotten to his nerves.

"This guy" Archer grumbled.

"It seems he's a sane Heroic Spirit" he continued.

"What do you mean by 'sane'" Cu complained.

"It means your not a Berserker dog" Gilgamesh commented.

"Shut up" he shouted before getting wrapped up in Caren's Shroud.

"No shouting in the Cinema" she ordered.

"Isn't that a bit too much" they all thought as they stared at her.

"Is that some means of communication through Magecraft" Cu(Caster) pointed at the doctor.

"It's a pleasure to meet you" Romani bowed in respect to the Caster. "Heroic Spirit, I don't know where you hail from, but it's an honor-"

"Didn't know he has some hospitality as well" Shirou said.

"Well, you should know how to great someone along with a Heroic Spirit in respect" Rin stated.

"He is a nice guy" Sakura added.

"There's no need to be so florid" Cu(Caster) sighed. "Just state your business quickly. You're good at that, right, weakling-man?"

"Weakling" Romani muttered as if he lost to something unbelievable while the remnant of Medusa(Alter)'s chains fade away.

"Wow you can be rude" Medea looked at Cu with a blank stare.

"What? I have places to be and Servants to beat the crap out of" he shrugged as he made his excuse.

"Yet, looking at the city I don't think you can take them all out that easily" Kirei stated.

"There is something going on with this Holy Grail War that I cannot place my tongue on" Sasaki muttered which did not go unnoticed by Artoria.

In a few moments after that, Cu(Caster) begin to explain everything as the group begins to listen to him.

"In short, you're Servants from the Holy Grail War that took place in this town, and the only survivor yes" Romani asked.

"W-Wait, did he said only survivor" Illya said as everyone widended their eyes on that question.

"Oh god don't tell me..." Archer readied himself for an upcoming headache.

"HELL YEAH!!! I WON" Cu shouted on top of his lungs as everyone; minus Heracles, Bazett, Shirou, Sakura, and Illya, groaned at that statement.

"But that does not mean why Rider- the other version- was there" Shinji shot back.

"That can all be explained" the mysterious Caster said as he pointed at the screen.

"I didn't lose, if that's what you mean" Cu(Caster) corrected him as they were all hiding in an old broken down building. "Somewhere along the line, our Holy Grail War was switched with something else" he tightly gripped his staff.

"Switched" Olga asked.

"I don't know the details myself" he answered. "Overnight, the town was blanketed with fire, humans had disappeared, and only Servants remained."

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