Chapter 27

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••••Authors note••••
HIIIII. PLEASE make sure you read chapter 26 that I posted on Friday. There's about 200 less reads than the chapters before so I really don't want you all to miss information! Thank you and enjoyyy!


I slam my car door shut and head up to Liam's house, where the boys and I all agreed to meet. I'm a little nervous to talk to them about what happened, but I know they will definitely accept it now. After all, Liam fucking stabbed Samantha.

My fist comes up to the door, roughly knocking three times before the door is pulled open, revealing a very worried and nervous looking Liam.

"Harry, mate. Come on in" Liam states, stepping to the side for me. I take long strides inside, immediately noticing the bouquet of flowers on the counter.

"To: Sam" reads the card on the flowers. Oh Liam.

If Samantha wants to know a real softie, it's Liam.

"You didn't have to do that" I bluntly state, gesturing my hand towards the gift for Samantha.

"I wanted to. It's the least I could've done after what happened" Liam responds, looking down with an ashamed look. I pause for a minute before speaking up again.

"Where's the other guys?" I ask, ignoring what he said. I know that what happened was not really his fault, but I still can't help the irate feeling that I have towards him hurting my Samantha. It feels good to finally say that and mean that.

"They are just in the other room. But Harry can we talk first?" Liam says, stopping me from walking to the other room.

"What?" I snap, glaring at him. I should stop; Samantha isn't mad at him, so I shouldn't be either.

"Look man, I'm sorry. I thought she was playing you. I was just trying to look out for you" Liam apologizes and I find myself feeling guilty for being a dick. What the hell is Samantha doing to me. I am not soft.

"It's fine. I can handle myself on my own though, Liam" I sigh and Liam finally smiles.

"I know you can, and I'm sorry. I should've known that you wouldn't have let her get that far. I just panicked" He apologizes again and I nod, not saying another word as he leads us into the other room.

As soon as I enter the living room where the boys are sat, they all spring up immediately. They are all wearing their black leather jackets, with the word "Hiations" written on the sleeves and the back. They must've been at either a meeting before or the boss asked them to get something done. I've been dreading going to see the boss lately because I know I'm going to be in some deep shit when I see him next. Because of Samantha, I haven't gone to any of the meetings or done any orders recently.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when Louis hops over the couch and practically sprints over to me.

"How is she? Is she okay? Does she need anything? I've been worried sick" Louis rushes out his words and I stare at him with wide eyes.

"Louis, relax. She's fine. I've given her everything she needs. She's just resting for a few days" I groan, rolling my eyes.

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