Chapter 6

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"Good morning, love," Harry says in his raspy morning voice, as he steps into the room unannounced. His deep, British accent catches me off guard every time, but man is it alluring.

I am about to make a smart-ass comment along the lines of him knocking first before barging in, but I decide against it, remembering the last time I decided to make smart-ass comments. Remember Samantha, you need to be on your best behavior so you can get out of here, I remind myself.

He slowly sets down the same breakfast food that he made yesterday on my tray table, and I immediately begin eating. Does this man know how to make anything else? He could've at least served me dinner last night. What a cheap bastard.

"What's so funny?" Harry questions with a serious look on his face, mixed with amusement.

Oh shit. I must've been smirking. This is not a good way to start the day.

"Oh, nothing. I am just remembering how my mom used to make this same breakfast," I quickly recover and lie, forcing a fake smile. Please change the subject, I pray to myself.

Harry nods skeptically and doesn't say another word. Instead, he quietly gets up and saunters towards the door.

"Harry?" I ask without really meaning to. I don't even know what I am supposed to say or do now that I've gotten his attention. I wasn't expecting him to leave so fast and I just panicked. We usually fight or argue by this time, so it's a little unusual for him to go so quickly.

He stops in his tracks and looks at me with his emerald eyes, making me lose my breath. Now I really don't know what I'm supposed to say because I can't even think straight.

 Now I really don't know what I'm supposed to say because I can't even think straight

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"" I begin, fumbling for my words. I am making a fool out of myself. Come on Samantha, use your words.

"Spit it out. I don't have all day here," he says harshly, eyes narrowing. Well, that hurt.

"I was just wondering if maybe I could take a shower and use the bathroom since I haven't really been able to use it. I will come right back in here and I promise I won't try anything funny. You can literally stand outside of the bathroom door and wait for me," I blurt out, practically begging. Hopefully he has some kindness in his heart to at least let me clean myself.

"I mean, I guess. But I swear to God if you try anything..." he hesitantly starts to say before I cut him off.

"Harry, I won't. I know better by now," I interrupt him, hoping my innocent eyes persuade him. It would be stupid of me to try anything this soon. I need to give it a few more days or weeks when the timing is perfect.

Harry thinks to himself for a moment before letting out a long, defeated sigh.

"Alright then, let's go," Harry replies as I shoot up from the couch. I am just so excited to get out of this room, even if it's only for like 30 minutes.

Harry leads the way as we walk down the hallway towards my bedroom. I wish he was nice enough to just let me sleep in my bed too. It's not like I can escape through the window, and he would hear my door open if I tried to sneak out. My back and my neck have been so sore from the couch. 

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