Birthday special 2021

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Yes I know it was just Christmas but my birthday is soon so enjoy this chapter!

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

I woke up on Saturday and headed out of my dorm room yawning letting my (h/c) hair fall loose as I ran my fingers through it. I blinked the sleep out of my eyes and headed over to the dorm coffee machine. Then did a double take because no other than my Uncle was standing in the middle of our dorm common room. "Uncle Kiego!? When did you get here!? Why are you here!?" He smirked, "Don't worry I didn't break in. Eraser let me in about fifteen minutes ago. Did ya really forget about your birthday kid?" I blinked a few times then checked the date. "Oh shit right! I've been so busy that I forgot." I grabbed my coffee mug from the dishwasher and poured a cup. Thats when someone wrapped their arms around me, "Happy Birthday babe." "Thanks Katsuki. I assume the birdbrain told you?" "Yup." I finished my coffee, shoved a piece of toast in my mouth  then ran upstairs and got dressed. I headed back downstairs, "Sorry that took so long, but you could have texted that you were coming over today." "I could have, but your face was priceless. C'mon I'm taking you out." I gave Katsuki a kiss on the cheek then followed Uncle Kiego out. "So where are headed?" "First to get you a scone or something that toast did not look very filling. Then I was thinking we could go for a hike or something." "Sounds good!" We headed to a bakery I liked then while I looked up hiking trails nearby. Uncle Kiego placed a small box beside me. "You didn't have to get me anything you know." "Whats the point of me being here if not to spoil you kid. Open it." I did and gave him a look, "I hate you. You know how expensive this is?" "You love me. Also I'm the number two hero you think money is an issue?" I laughed and pulled the gift out, "I know. But really, a week long trip to America at one of the best hotels on the west coast?" I pulled out the plane tickets. "You keep talking about how much you want to go and I knew you had the week off. Besides there are three of them, you can bring along Katsuki if you want. But the plane doesn't leave until tomorrow so how about we go shopping for the trip." I laughed and gave him a big hug, "I knew something was up. I always have to drag your ass out to do any exercise that doesn't involve hero work. We can go hiking or something my ass." 

Bakugo's P.O.V.

(Y/n) came back into the dorms with a few shopping bags and I smirked at her raising my eyebrow. Her mouth dropped, "You knew asshole!" "Maybe I did. You exited or what?" She laughed and wrapped her arms around me. "Glad I get to spend it with you." "Your gift from me is any souvenir you want I'm paying for and don't try arguing." "I love you Kat." "Love you too. Happy birthday dumbass." 

Bakugo x Reader Boyfriend / Husband scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now