When your caught

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

It had been a week since our first date and we still hadn't told anyone. Mina knew of course, and Kirishima knew because Katsuki had asked for advise. But we had told them not to tell anyone else and our relationship was still a secret. We had a pop quiz in the morning and I was exausted from lack of sleep after staying up late texting Mina. "Did Kaminari literally fry his brain?" I asked looking at my friend. "I think so." Kirishima answered. We walked to the cafeteria and I looked through my bag. "Are you kidding me!?" "What is it?" "I forgot my lunch and I don't have any money!" "Really dumbass?" Katsuki rolled his eyes, "Here have some curry." "Thank youuu~!" I smiled and began to stuff my face I looked up and he was blushing pretty hard. "Bro are you ok?" Kaminari asked, "Shut the fuck up dunce face!" he said, still red and had mini explosions coming from his palms. "Calm down you angry Pomeranian." "Tch." We finished lunch and headed to Hero studies. "Alright today we are going to be taking what we learned in internships and apply it to rescue training! Put on your hero costumes and head to field gamma!" I put on my costume and headed out. "Today we are going to be doing a race, I will be somewhere in the field sending out a distress signal and you will race to find me got it?" "Yes sir!" "Alright, the first group will be Midoryia, Iida, Ashido, Sero, and Ojiro! The rest of you will watch on video." I sat down with the rest of the Bakusquad and turned my attention to the screen. "I think it will be harder for Midoryia." I said. "He can't usse his quirk without breaking limbs and its harder for him to be moble." "Yeah, Deku's going to loose." "Be nice!" The timer counted down and the contestants started. At first it looked like Sero was going to win but suddenly Midoryia came out of no where and took first place. What did he learn?  Eventually Midoryia slipped and Sero won, but Katsuki was more pissed then usual, because he had obviously been using his moves.

Bakugo's P.O.V.

It was the last race of the day and I was positive that Wings would win, it seemed like everyone else was as well. "(Y/n) is pretty much made for this course, I'm sure she's going to win." Shitty hair mentioned and I just nodded. She put on her goggles and took off once the buzzer sounded. she flew soundlessly through the course and got to All Might long before anyone else. She walked up next to me "That was a lot easier than expected." "Course it was! You have wings." she punched my shoulder, "Yeah, you could still beat me in hand to hand though." "Is that a challenge?" "What the hell? No!" She was laughing though and I felt my heart soar. "I need a drink of water." she walked off and I followed. When we got to the water fountains she said- "Remember when you caught me with my top undone?" I blushed at the memory. "Yeah, I do." she smirked and I leaned in for a kiss. We stayed like that for a moment but she suddenly blushed, "W-what are you doing here?" I turned around. Pink cheeks was standing there with Deku. Explosions appeared my palms, "Get out of here you extras!" "Kat calm down."

(Y/n)'s P.O.V. (I know there are a lot of P.O.V. changes, sorry :/)

"Soooo whats going on with you and Bakugo huh?" I turned around, "W-what do you mean Uraraka?" "Don't lie me and Deku totally caught you two kissing in the hallway just now." I felt every single pair of eyes in the locker room fall on me. I could hear voices from next door, "Stop that Mineta, peeping is a truly criminal act!" "Well then your going to have to throw me in solitary confinement because you cant stop me! Finally a look at Ashido's slender waist, Yayorozu's curves, Hagakure's floating underwear, Uraraka's super fine body, Asui's unexpected boobie, Tamaki's-" "Don't even think about it!" "Woah, Bakugo what was with that reaction?" Suddenly Jiro sent her earphone jack through the hole and we heard a yell of pain from the other side, "Jiro's earphone jack!" we all breathed a sigh of relief and made plans to go to Nezu about the hole when I heard Katsuki's voice again. "If you think that you can just try to peep on my girl like that and live your wrong." "Eep! I'm sorry!" Eyes were on me again. "I knew it!"

I am so sorry you had to live through Mineta being a perv but at least Bakubabe saved you. See you guys later!


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