When you comfort him

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Um- I apologize in advance for this chapter, I was feeling angst but don't worry I promise fluff next chapter

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

I could hear the ragged breathing from in the hallway.

This day was bound to happen. We'd been expecting it with our former teachers declining health from his old injury.

And it seemed almost fitting it was raining on the day of All Mights funeral.

I made my way into the bedroom and gently took the tie Katsuki was fumbling with, tying it myself. I looked into his watery crimson eyes and kissed his forehead.

"We don't have to go if you don't think you can handle it."

"No... I'll be fine. Besides, I can't exactly just let Deku go without me." I nodded and took his hand. We went downstairs and I drove us to the funeral parlor. Media was everywhere but I could only see a few select people actually going in including the old Class A, UA staff, and a couple other people All Might was close with including Officer Naomasa, Gran Torino, and Nighteye's former sidekicks. I went up to them and gave Kaoruko (Bubble girl) a massive hug.

"I can't believe it... First Sir and now All Might?"

"We all knew this was coming. I don't think All Might would want us to just stand around grieving but, it's hard to do anything else." I looked behind me and saw Katsuki talking with an already sobbing Midoriya. "I don't think I should leave him alone. I'll talk to you later ok?"

"Of course." I walked over to the two boys and gently took Katsuki's arms.

"Hey Midoriya. How are you holding up? I know he was a mentor to you."

"I'll be ok..." he sniffed, "Besides, All Might would tell us to keep smiling."

"Probably. But since when did any of the three of us ever listen to All Might?" This brought a chuckle out of the two boys as the three of us all remembered that one time All Might specifically told us not to shoot flaming feathers at Midoriya to test his reflexes but we went through with it anyway because the green haired boy insisted.

"I think it's starting." Katsuki said and I nodded, taking his arm.

"Let's go." As we walked I whispered. "If you need to leave just let me know ok? No one will blame you."

Probably an hour or so into the service my prediction came true and Katsuki stood up, wiping his eyes as he left.

"Bathroom." Bullshit. I stood up and followed him, eventually to the courtyard where he sat down on one of the stone benches, crying.

"I know you well enough by now. You cant hide anything from me Katsuki Bakugo."

"Shit- I mean- Why the hell did you follow me?"

"Because you are upset. When your upset you hide it. When you hide it you get more pissy than normal. And that leads to something getting broken." I went over and sat down next to him, "Talk to me. You have comforted me hundreds of times. It my turn to finally help you." I felt his body begin to shake as the tears finally let loose.

"God fucking damnit... why the hell did it have to be All Might of all people? Not only did the world lose its symbol or whatever again. Our class lost a teacher, I lost the guy who inspired me to be a hero in the first place. And I know I'm not the only one but still..."

"I know how much he meant to you. I also know that you pushed yourself to come here today knowing you probably couldn't handle it. And before you say anything knowing your limits makes you strong, not weak. And coming even though you weren't sure you could make it makes you brave."

"I just... I think I need to go home."

"Alright. Shoot a text to Mina and then we'll head back." Katsuki gently placed a kiss on top of my head and muttered,

"How the hell did I get so damn lucky?"

"I ask myself that every single day."

Bakugo x Reader Boyfriend / Husband scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now