When you give birth

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Look at him. He's so soft here. I love him.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

(Pregnancy Check: 36 weeks)

"Ground Zero is locked in combat with a large villain!" I looked up from the meat I was chopping up and turned off the stove, moving the pan off the heat so I could watch the T.V.

Katsuki was using his huge blasts against a massive villain covered in what looked like a rock skin. I gripped the back of the couch and began chewing on my thumbnail. The baby was being extremely active which wasn't helping the increasing nausea as I watched my husband take hit after hit.

Thats when I felt a wave of pain down my lower back and something dripped down my legs. I gripped the couch tighter and waited for the pain to subside before making my way over to the kitchen table where my phone was. Another explosion sounded in the background. I hit the contact for my mother in law because she was one of the few people in my contacts who wasn't a pro hero and could come get me.

One ring...



"Hey (Y/n) whats going on?"

"I'm nine months pregnant and Katsuki is currently getting his ass beat by a villain what do you th-" I hissed and slammed my hand the table as another contracton hit and I could hear Mitsuki's wince through the phone,

"Shit, on my way."

9 hours. Thats how long I was in labor for.

Finally I held a beautiful baby girl in my arms, she had a soft head of (h/c) hair and bright crimson eyes. The door opened and I saw Katsuki standing there, almost paralyzed. He had a black eye and a bandage across his nose which had been messily cleaned of blood. His hero costume was torn and I could see bandages under the holes. He hadn't changed but at least he wasn't wearing his gauntlents.

"You look like crap."

"I'm not the one who just pushed a human out of my body." He walked over and sat on the edge of the edge of the bed, looking at the baby in my arms. "She looks like you..."

"But with your eyes, she's like a reverse Harry Potter."

"You're being serious right now?" I gave a tired laugh and he rolled his eyes, amused. "God what meds did they give you?"

"I don't know."

"Here, I'll hold her so you can take a breath." I handed the tiny girl over and shook my head, smiling.

"Classic Katsuki, just admit you want to see her."

"Shut up..." He looked down at our daughter and gently adjusted her blanket so he could see her better. "Hey there, you've been causing your mom a lot of trouble so give her a break ok brat?"

"She's 10 minutes old, be nice."

"You know me, I don't do nice."

"But clearly you do the classic dad thing of tearing up while looking at your new baby."

"I just have dust in my eyes from the villain attack!" The baby started crying and his eyes widened in shock, "Crap!"

"Hand her over." I took her back and gently bounced her until she stopped crying.


"Its fine, just don't yell." There was a knock on the door and Mitsuki's voice came through,

"You've got an impatient grandmother and a nervous wreck of a great uncle out here! We need updates lovebirds!"

"We should probably let them in." I said and Katsuki groaned,

"Do we have to?"

"Come on, you know you love them."

"Do I?"

"If my arms weren't full I'd smack you." I couldn't keep the scowl on my face with Katsuki's grin and my daughters cooing. "The name we chose is perfect for her."

"I still want to call her Queen Explosion Murder."

"If you wanted to do that thats what you should have gotten engraved on the plaque on her crib."

"Whatever. I'm going to go let everyone know you're alive." He stood up and opened the door to go talk to his mom. I smiled and shook my head, looking down at Haruka.

"This is what I put up with every day. He's your dad though, so don't worry I love him a lot. And I promise, we're going to love you just as much as we love each other." 

This is the end of the story, I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it. I'm thinking about soon writing a fanfic based on this but more in the fashion of a legit story. 
Thank you for reading, 

Love, Author

Bakugo x Reader Boyfriend / Husband scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now