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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

"Oi, wake up the planes landed." I blinked open my eyes and sat up. The good thing about first class, there were reclining seats. The annoying thing was that laying on my side was the only comfortable way to ride a plane for me. However Katsuki made sure I could see the movie we were watching and then I ended up falling asleep.

"Mk, I'm getting up." We were let off the plane and as Katsuki went to grab our luggage I stretched out my wings and back. "I never want to ride a plane again."

"Oh so you just want to live in Sardinia Italy now? We'd have to get hero licenses here."

"Eh, maybe like a year."

"Sorry wings, we're only have our room at Hotel Pitrizza booked for 2 weeks."


(Ok, quick Authors note. I looked up most expensive hotels and holy shit this place is beautiful. https://www.marriott.com/en-us/hotels/olbpl-hotel-pitrizza-a-luxury-collection-hotel-costa-smeralda/rooms/# yours is the Unique Suite with Pool)

"Let's just get to the hotel, we're 7 hours ahead so even though it's only 7 am here the jet-lags gonna kick in by 5pm." I looped my arm around Katsuki's elbow as I dragged along my suitcase and we caught a taxi to the hotel.

We made it to the hotel and it was then I realized...

"Katsuki, I don't speak any Italian."

"It's fine, look over there, theres someone at the desk who speaks English." I sighed in relief and we got checked into our room. "Holy shit... remind me how we can afford this?"

"I think it has something to do with the fact that we have our own agencies and are currently the number 17 and 23 heroes in Japan but it's just a hunch."

"Stop being witty." I belly flopped onto the couch and sighed. "Let's get settled in than see what there is to do around here. And of course we can just hang around, there is a pool right here, plus the sea nearby."

"Don't stress about it (Y/n). This is our honeymoon, just relax."

"Your being weirdly calm."

"I'm always calm dumbass! I also didn't get any fucking sleep on the plane!"

"Aaand he's back. You go take a nap, I'll unpack our stuff. You relax to alright Kat?"

"Tch, fine."


The first few days were rocky given the jet lag but eventually we were staying up later and weren't as exhausted at night.

We happened to be walking through town when suddenly I heard what sounded like paparazzi.

"Aw shit..."

"Don't blow anyone up yet, their probably not here for us." Sure enough the crowd passed right by and I saw a hero walking down the street. "Hey isn't she the number one hero in Italy?"

"Yeah, think we should go say something?"

"Nah she's busy. Plus I heard she has a temper to rival yours sooo..."

"The hell is that supposed to mean!?"

"Wow you really have to be the best at everything including anger issues."

"You little-"

"Katsuki what have I said about chasing me while I'm in heels!" I broke into laughter as he threw me over his shoulder like a sack of potato's.

"Let's just go to the beach before all these fans realize there's a better hero here."

"They barely know who you are babe."


One night we were swimming in the pool and I went over to where Katsuki was sitting and sat down on his lap, nuzzling me face into his neck.

"We'll look who's clingy tonight."

"Mmm, I just wanted to thank you for setting all this up. I know we were thinking about staying in Japan but it's nice to be able to walk down the street, go get a drink, or go dancing or something without getting stopped by a swarm of paparazzi who are freaking out because- 'Oh my god it's Mockingjay and Ground Zero, we're gonna act like they haven't been dating since high school.'"

"Yeah, there are a bunch of other extras for them to dawn over."

"You mean heroes?"

"I mean extras."

"Oh my god... your a grown ass adult."

"Who's gonna be the number one hero one day, don't you forget it." Katsuki began to plant kisses all over my neck and shoulders and I laughed.

"I get it!"

"Oh do you?" He smirked and I took his face, forcing his crimson eyes to look into mine.

"I get it. You've been saying it since high school after all. That doesn't mean you can call everyone else extras ok honey?"

"You are so fucking hot when your like this."



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