When your stressed

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Bakugo's P.O.V.

"Yo (Y/n) are you ok?" I looked up as (Y/n) slammed her books on her desk, a scowl on her face. "Yeah I'm fine Kaminari, just stressed." She snapped and anyone could see she was lying. She's kinda hot mad but what is going on? It better not have been Deku. Mr Aizawa came into start class so I didn't get the chance to ask but I couldn't get her expression out of my face. 

Several days passed and she still clearly wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone. She mostly just did her work and went to her room early. I started trying to wrack my brain as to why she would be acting like this and only a few things came up.
Exam? No she usually studies with all of us.
Fight with her uncle? No he loves her a lot and that showed when I nearly died a few weeks ago after our fight.
If she was mad at me then I would be getting dirty looks from the girls and I've been treading carefully as to not do that.
"Oh my god." (Y/n) was off campus during lunch and Dunce face had seen something on his phone. "What?" I asked and he showed us whatever he was looking at. "I think I just found out why (Y/n)'s been in such a bad mood." I snatched his phone and looked at the article, Number two hero Hawks injured in a serious villain attack. The article was a few days old and I remembered that night (Y/n) hurriedly leaving the dorms. In fact I had only seen her the next morning when she came into class. I stood up and left the cafeteria, dialing her number on my phone. I predictably got sent to voicemail and spoke, "Hey Wings, I just heard about your uncle, I hope he's doing ok and talk to me after school alright? I love you." 

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

I listened to Katsuki's voicemail again and smiled a little. I shouldn't have brushed him off these past few days but with everything going on I was in such a bad mood I didn't even think about it. "Well hello love." I bit back a sigh, "I am not in the mood to deal with you right now Monama so why don't you go get yourself karate chopped by Kendo." He came into my field of vision with that stupid fake wounded expression and I just brushed past him, "Now come on, don't give me the cold shoulder." I am going to murder him I swear- "If this is an attempt to apologize or try and become friends its not going to work right now because I have a shitload of homework, a test to make up because I failed it, an exam on the exact subject I failed the test on, and my uncles in the hospital. So if you want to get punched then by all means keep talking." I snapped and he opened his mouth to speak again when a familiar gruff voice spoke, "She said beat it copycat freak so I'd do so before she acts on that threat." Monama finally walked off and Katsuki came to walk beside me. "Hey Wings." I gave him a smile and stopped walking, "Sorry for cutting you off these past couple days." He shrugged, "Its fine. I was worried about you though." He mumbled and I gave him a fake look of confusion. "What was that?" "I was worried about you ok!?" He half yelled and I giggled, giving him a kiss. "Thanks for your voicemail. Uncle Kiego's doing a lot better, it was mostly just a few broken ribs that the doctors were concerned about." Katsuki nodded and as we walked to class realized I felt a lot happier than I had for the past few days. I'm so glad he's in my life.

I'm sorry about the shorter chapters but I am running low on ideas so if you have anything you want to request please let me know and I'll get to as many as I can. 
Thanks for reading! Author~Chan 

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