Chapter 8.5: Your Majesty

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???'s POV

The wind sailed through my long, crimson hair as I flew through the air. I looked down and saw 2 hunters fleeing for their lives. I dove and knocked one of them down while Reva went after the other one. I pinned him down by his neck with my foot.


???: we don't take to kindly to spies in our territory. Not only that, but upon being caught you waisted no time in leaving your 2 teammates to die while you made a run for safety.

Just then, Reva flew back and dropped the other hunter next to his team mate.

???: excellent work, Reva

Reva: thank you, my queen.

I took my foot off of the hunter's neck before Reva pulled back the string of her bow and pointed an arrow at the 2 of them.

Hunter 1: please, we'll never survive if you keep stealing all our shipment of food. Our children and hunters are starving.

Reva: well maybe you should've thought twice before-!

???: Reva...

I turned to her.

???: do not waist your energy dwelling on the past, it isn't worth your time

The second hunter then let out a snarl.

Hunter 2: you bunch of hybrid freaks, do you have any idea how much work we put towards making Astera and Seliana prosper?! What right do you have to take it all away?!

I pointed the blade of my insect glaive at his throat.

???: I don't like your tone. I am the queen, and the new world is my kingdom. Yourselves and the hunter's guild are trespassing, so until you've learned your proper places...well, we'll continue to take your supplies as we please.

I looked down at the first hunter's pocket and saw something. I reached down and grabbed it.

It was a small handmade doll with red silk for hair and a tiny red dress to match.

Hunter 1: no, please, that's my daughter's!

I look at him with eyes that pierced his very soul.

???: if you wish to keep your tongue then you'll stay quiet. Now...tell your commander that what we're planning is inevitable. Tell him to send as many soldiers as he can spare, I'd like to have a laugh seeing him try and stop us.

They both looked at each other.

???: now away with you both.

Without any further hesitation they both stumbled to their feet and began running. But something still stuck with me, what the second hunter had said.

???: Reva...

She looked at me.

???: how many men does it take to deliver a message?

She smiled before pulling back her bow.

Reva: one.

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