Chapter 13: Lands of Frost and Fire

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Aiko's POV

Me and Rin continued our way through the Hoarfrost Reach, the sight of all the ice crystal spires was truly an amazing sight.

Rin: oh god, this take me back.

Without a second thought, Rin began rolling around in the snow, laughing in excitement.

Aiko: what exactly?

He sat up and shook all the snow out of his hair.

Rin: back before the hunter's guild found me, back when I was still living up in those snowy mountains in the old world.

Aiko: well, you can enjoy yourself all you want later, we're supposed to be investigating these areas for any signs of hybrid activity. That and...

I wrapped my arms around myself as a shiver ran up my spine and goosebumps popped up on my arms.

Aiko: while I do find this region beautiful, it's way too cold for my liking. Let's just make this quick so we can get somewhere warm, ok Rin...Rin?

As I looked up I noticed that Rin had completely vanished.


I turn and saw Rin riding atop a popo. I sighed

Aiko: well, at least one of us is having a good time. Let's just go, alright.

Rin hopped off the popo and ran back over to me.

We made our way through the icy forest before finding ourselves standing atop a cluster of frozen cliffs overlooking the vast ocean. Off to the side was a huge crowd of penguins.

Rin: welp, they look like they're having fun down there.

Aiko: what do you think they're doing?

Rin: partying...penguin party.

After that statement our observation was interrupted by a loud roar off in the distance.

Rin: the hell was that?

Aiko: a monster, duh.

Rin: it was a rhetorical question, think we should check it out?

Aiko: I don't see why not?

We both rushed over to where we thought we heard the roar only to see a large dragon covered in ice crystals. Me and Rin quickly ducked behind a Boulder and observed further. At the creatures feet was a dead barioth with a large bite wound to its neck.

I looked over at Rin and saw him place a hand of on his jugular, imagining how it must've felt.

???: this looks like it'll be a fine meal.

Our heads shot around to find the source of the voice, there stood a boy with snow white skin and white hair, wearing a long cape.

He approached the creature.

???: you truly spoil me you know, but that doesn't matter...

The dragon lowered its head and he began petting it with a smile.

???: come winter, we'll feast like no tomorrow.

After that, his smile soon turned to a frown as he stop petting the dragon.

???: you and your friends shouldn't have come here. The events that take place in the new world are beyond your understanding.

We hid further behind the boulder, not saying a word. I peeked my head out, only to see him facing our direction.

???: I could care less about what those fools in the Guiding Lands do, it matters not to me

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???: I could care less about what those fools in the Guiding Lands do, it matters not to me. All I care about is maintaining these frost covered lands and surviving. If you wish to survive as well, then leave while you still have the chance to do so.

The large dragon spread its wings and flew off with the dead barioth in its claw and the pale boy followed.

Rin let out a loud gasp of relief.

Rin: I thought we were gonna die there!

Finn's POV


I pulled my fist back again and threw another punch at these damn vespoids.


After all of them were dead, I took a moment to breath.

Erma: geez, that was a bit dramatic, don't ya think?

Finn: dramatic or not, these thing are SO annoying. Just one sting and you can't move for like...30 seconds.

Erma: more like 15, but yeah.

Just then the ground beneath us began to shake.

Erma: another lava geyser must be going off

Then they're was screaming.

Erma: ...maybe not.

Finn: let's go.

We made our way down deeper into the lava tunnels of the Elders Recess. After entering a large open space we were shocked to see that nergigante hybrid fighting a teostra. Upon closer inspection, she had a large cut on her side. However, that didn't seem to do anything to stop her assault. As she flew around slashing and biting at the monster's legs and back, she grabbed one of the large spikes from her before rushing over and jamming it right between its eyes.

The teostra fell to the ground, dead. The hybrid crawled over and began dragging it away by the tail with just her teeth.

Erma : huh, deja vu.

Finn: come on, let's follow her.

We followed the hybrid to what I assumed to be her nest, when she was in the center of the area, she began to chow down on her fresh kill, tearing off stripes of meat and seemingly swallowing each piece whole, not even chewing.

We just watched her eat for what felt like hours, until the teostra was nothing but bone. When she was finally done with her meal, she began to pick her teeth with her long claws. After that she crawled her way over to the edge of the area before laying down and falling asleep.

Finn: she's out cold.

Erma: that was the most disgusting thing I've ever seen in my life.

Finn: hey at least we have something to report.

Erma: I don't think anyone want to know about this.

The Hybrid: The New World (Monster Hunter x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now