Meet The Hybrids

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Species: zinogre hybrid

Age: 20

Personality: he has a very gluttonous apatite and will practically WOLF down any food he sees. He's also a great leader and isn't afraid to boss people around if need be.


Species: nargacuga hybrid

Age: 20

Personality: she's kinda like the big sister of the group. If anyone acts up or starts fighting, she's the one to put an end to it. Then again, she's also the kind of person who's done with your shit before you've even started.


Species: brachydios hybrid

Age: 16

Personality: due to his rather dominiative stature he's become pretty cautious cause it's not that hard to take him down. However, he makes up for his small size with an absolutely whirlwind of fury. Piss him off and you'll regret it.


Species: tigrex hybrids

Age: 21

Personality: oh, where do I begin with this guy? He's a pretty avid prankster, especially towards Finn. First and only warning, DON'T MAKE HIM MAD! If you do you'll be dead before you can blink.


Species: mizutsune hybrid

Age: 21

Personality: she's a rather shy little bean. However, she's a really hard worker and frequently takes up random jobs around such as painting houses with her brush like tail. All and all, she just likes to help.


Species: stygian zinogre hybrid

Age: 19

Personality: she's kind of the stoic type. After leaving the claws of dala, she prefers to keep to herself and not speak unless spoken to. She doesn't like liers, wiether it's lying about a prank or something more serious, a lie is a lie in her eyes.


Species: rathalos hybrid

Age: 19

Personality: he's a bit of a wise cracker. He has a habit of making terrible jokes in serious situations. Being a rathalos hybrid, he has a naturally fiery attitude in fights. Flying is also his forte so you'll most likely see him doing that to get from place to place.


Species: deviljho hybrid

Age: 20

Personality: when I say that he's a glutton, that's a huge understatement. He'll stop in the middle of a fight to have a snack, or he'll start eating a monster that had just killed seconds earlier.

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