Chapter 10: A Moment To Breath

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(Y/n)'s POV

After meeting commander Terra and Pierce, me and the rest of the group went to the canteen to grab a bite to eat while we waited for our quarters to be prepared. When the sun had gone down we were shown our room, which was just a large room with a bunch of hammocks tied to the wall and some poles coming out of the floor.

Eh, it wasn't anything I wasn't already used to so I didn't mind. We weren't staying forever so it'd make sense for them not to give us something luxurious. Anyway, we all got ready for bed and hopped into our hammocks.

Rin: I said it once, I'll say it twice ...I hate this place.

(Y/n): yeah well, it's a totally new environment for us. We just need to get used to it.

Rin: we were almost eaten.

Rex: well, I don't know about you guys, but I'm turning in for the night.

Rex, immediately after finishing that sentence, fell asleep and started snoring.

Finn: ...ok.

Nara: hey, does anyone else think this place seems a

Blaze: what do you mean?

Nara: it's just that ever since we got here I've had this feel that something wasn't right.

Scarlet: hm, now that you mention it, the people here have been acting rather strange.

Cody: well, they're going through a major crisis right now, I'm sure we'd be acting the same way if we were in their shoes.

(Y/n): I think the strangest thing was the commander.

Finn: why's that?

(Y/n): I'm not sure, I think it has something to do with the way he was speaking. His tone was just so calm, he was acting like nothing was happening at all.

Kyanna: well, we can worry about that later, Tide and Rex are already asleep so we should join them.

(Y/n): yeah, let's get some shut eye. Night, you guys.

Everyone: night.

I laid back in my hammock and shut my eyes. After a while I felt myself beginning to doze off, that is until I began to feel a chill. I shivered before sitting up and looking around. At the other end of the room I saw that the window was open, letting in a chill night breeze.

I continued to look around and saw a dark silhouette standing over Tide. I looked closer and saw a pair of glowing, orange eye.

(Y/n): Rex?

The figure's head shot around to look at me. What happened next sent chills down my spine and sunk my heart into my stomach. From the other end of the room I heard Rex speak in a groggy and sleepy tone...

Rex: ...yeah?

Immediately after realizing what was going on I leapt up from my hammocks and ran towards the intruder as they began running for the window, waking everybody else up in the process. As the intruder was halfway out the window I grabbed them by one of their legs as Rex ran over to assist me. Rex easily pull them back through the window before the figure reached behind them, grabbed something, and stabbed it into Rex's thigh, causing him to let them go.

They ran for the front exit and I gave chase. As we both ran I heard them let out a sharp whistle before another figure flew over from out of nowhere and lifted them up into the air.

I looked on as the pair flew away from Astera.

(Y/n): ugh, damnit!

I marched back into our room where Nara was tending to Rex's injury.

(Y/n); I lost him.

Rex: who the hell was that guy?

(Y/n): I'm not sure, but I doubt he was here to say hi. What'd he stab you with.

Rex moved a hand to his thigh and yanked out whatever it was. He held it up, it was a bright orange feather.

Rex: ...hybrid?

(Y/n): definitely.


???'s POV

I was sat down, waiting for Ash and Blitz to return. Reva was pacing around, loosing patience.

Reva: ugh, where the hell are those 2?

???: relax, Reva. They should be back any moment.

Reva: knowing him, Blitz probably ran off to do his own stuff.

???: that's not likely, Ash is there to keep him in line.

Just then we began to hear sound of wings flapping.

???: hm, talk of the devil.

Ash landed with Blitz hanging onto his ankle.

???: so how'd it go?

Ash: it was going well until dipstick over here got himself caught.

Blitz: hey, I got away didn't I?!

???: that doesn't matter, what are we dealing with?

Blitz: a zinogre hybrid, nargacuga hybrid, brachydios hybrid, tigrex hybrid, stygian zinogre hybrid, rathalos hybrid, and lagiacrus hybrid. That and 4 humans.

Reva: quite the line up.

Blitz: well, the lagiacrus hybrid is just kid, so she shouldn't be much of a threat.

???: and what of the other hunters?

Blitz: they haven't really welcomed them with open arms.

Reva: typically.

Ash: so what now?

???: we wait, let those hybrids explore our territory for awhile. Give them time to get used to the new world and its creatures.

Reva: then?

???: then we'll show them who really runs this island.

Blitz: and what about the deviljho hybrid?

???: he's already been dealt with, he won't be a problem.

Reva: yeah, but when they find out what happened to him, they'll-

???:'s nothing to worry about right now, we'll take care of it when the time comes. Now, relax and get some rest.

Ash/Reva: yes, my queen.

They both looked back at Blitz as he stayed silent.

Blitz: I'm not calling you "queen" no matter how many times they do it.

???: fair enough. Now, I need to think.

The 3 of them walked away, leaving me to my thoughts.

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