Chapter 14: Lying In Wait

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(Y/n)'s POV

After our investigation of the different ecosystems of the new world, me and the rest of the team gathered in our quarters to discuss our finding.

(Y/n): alright, first off, raise your hand if you had an encounter with or at least spotted one of the hybrids.

Cody, Scarlet, Aiko, Rin, Erma, and Finn all raised their hands

(Y/n): ok, Cody and Scarlet, you guys go first, did you get a good look at it?

Cody: not really, from what we saw it seemed to be hiding up the piles of rotting flesh and bones in the vale. It only made itself known when it came out and dragged one of the girros we kill down with it.

(Y/n): well, was it aggressive in anyway?

Scarlet: not really, all we saw were it's eyes and hand before it tunneled away.

Cody: a part of me think it was just being cautious, but actually it might just be shy.

Rex: yeah, 'cause there's nothing more more cautious than slithering over and taking a kill that ain't yours.

I dismissed Rex's sarcasm and thought for a bit.

(Y/n): Rin, Aiko, what about you guys. Did you find anything in the Hoarfrost Reach?

Aiko: actually, it's less a matter of us finding him and more...him finding us.

Nara: what?

(Y/n): did he attack you?

Aiko: no, he spoke to us. I'm not even sure if he actually spotted us or if he just knew we were there, hiding.

Rin: he warned us, he said if we wanna survive we should leave the new world while we can.

Finn: well, that's gonna be a problem given that ever boat that tries to come or go gets turned to rubble.

(Y/n): well, what about you and Erma, did you find the nergigante hybrid?

They were silent for a bit, only breaking said silence when Erma began to gag.

Finn: uh...yeah, we found her...

(Y/n): well, what was she doing.

Finn: she hunted and...ate...a teostra...while we watched.

Erma ran over to the window before leaning out a puking out of it.

Finn: it was...disturbing.

Rex: alright, did you guys fight her?

(Y/n): Rex.

He walked over and picked Finn up by his collar.

Rex: did you! or did you not! Throw hands! With her!


Rex dropped him.

I sighed before hearing a knock from behind me. I turned and saw Commander Terra standing in the doorway.

Terra: am I interrupting something?

(Y/n): oh, not at all, come on in.

He let himself in and walked over to the table we were all standing around.

(Y/n): we were just going over our findings from exploring the new world. So far we found 2 new hybrids.

We began to further explain our findings, giving as much detail as we could.

Terra: hm, interesting...

Terra took out his knife and began carving tallies into the table. He drew a line in dictating each individual hybrid. 3 all on their own and 4 grouped up.

Terra: alright, so the 3 lone hybrids are located in the Rotten Vale, Hoarfrost Reach, and the Elder's Recess. Meanwhile the hybrids who have decided to team up have been taking refuge in the Guiding Lands.

He placed his hands on the table.

Terra: just 2 days ago we sent a team of 4 to the guiding lands to investigate what this group might be planning...only one came back.

We looked at him in shock.

Nara: only one?

Terra: he said that as he and his partner were running away, his partner got an arrow threw the back, but before that their leader spoke to him. She told him to tell me to send as many hunters as I can spare just so she could laugh at our attempts to stop her.

Blaze: these hybrids sound ruthless.

Terra: anyway, that's for another time, Astera is a bit short handed when it comes to supplies so we have bigger things to worry about. So...any news about your missing friend?

I took a quick look around the room, everyone looked down, either out of dread of what might've happened, or just because they genuinely didn't know how to answer.

(Y/n): no...not yet.

I sighed.

(Y/n): I can't speak for the hybrids of the new world, but in the old world, hybrids stick together, we're more than just a team of hunters, dead or alive, we'll find him, because Max would do the same for any of us.

Terra smiled.

Terra: I see you have quite the bond...

He turned and began walking towards the door.

Terra: well, I wish you luck. Let me know if you need anything?

Suddenly, he stopped before walking over to me.

Terra: I almost forgot.

He reached behind him before handing me a new, shiny set of dual blades.

He reached behind him before handing me a new, shiny set of dual blades

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Rex whistled.

Terra: here are the new dual blade you requested, I hope they'll help.

I took them and placed they on my back.

(Y/n): thank you, sir.

And with that, Terra walked out of our quarters, looking back at us one last time before leaving our field of view.

Nara: so what now, we can't just sit here and expect everything to be alright now that we've scouted this place out.

I cracked my neck and my knuckles, I turned to Nara and smiled.

(Y/n): I say we do a bit of hybrid hunting.


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