Chapter 1: Same Old Same Old

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(Y/n)'s POV

Silence in all directions. Nothing but the sound of rustling leaves blowing in the breeze. I stepped on a twig. The sound echoed through out the forests. I dropped to my hands and feet and began slowly stalking through the tall grass of the forest floor.

I kept each of my steps a silent as possible. I peaked through the grass and saw my target. A lone jaggi that had been separated from it's pack. It was feeding on the scraps left behind by a much bigger predator. I slowly crept forward, waiting for a chance to strike, when suddenly...

???: AH!

A figure leapt from one of the trees with a loud roar. It slashed at me with it's claws. I dodge it's strike by rolling out of the way. I then saw my prey running away after noticing me and my assailant. I began running off on all fours after it.

As I was chasing after my prey, I saw another figure running along the tree branches. It glanced down at me with a single glowing, red eye. I turned back to my prey and increased my speed.

I ran into another patch of grass. However, I failed to notice a rather large puddle of green slime below me. Upon touching it, the slime turned yellow, then orange. I sprinted away, just barely avoided a large explosion.

I kept running only to see a bunch more puddles in front of me. I dodge each one as fast as I could. The sound of explosions rang through my highly sensitive ears. I somehow still had the run away jaggi in my sights. I ran faster until I was just beside it. When the time was right I leaped onto its back and sunk my teeth into its neck.

The jaggi tumbled forward until it was on the ground I bit down deeper until all of its movements stopped. I wiped the blood from my mouth and took a moment to catch my breath. I then looked into the forest.


Nara, Finn, and Rex poked their heads out from behind a bush.

Nara: what?


Finn: we were just testing your reflexes.


Rex: wait, wasn't that the point?

Nara: yeah, if I remember correctly, you told us "act like you're trying to kill me".

I was about to retort, but I then remembered actually saying that.

(Y/n): shit.

Nara: anyway, I'm starving. Wanna head back to the canteen?

(Y/n): eh sure, I could use a bite to eat...RACE YA!

Me, Nara, Finn, and Rex immediately ran through the forest back to town, where the 4 of us climbed up the wall and leaped into the street. I was up ahead of the rest. I took this time to look back and see them being left in the dust, only for me to suddenly slam into something.

I stumbled forward and fell flat on my face.

???: OW!

I sat up and looked to see what I ran into only to Scarlet rubbing her head with a bunch of books scattered around her.

(Y/n) oh crap, sorry about that, Scarlet.

Suddenly, Nara sped past me, taking first place with Rex in second and Finn coming in third.


I quickly flipped them my favorite finger before turning back to Scarlet.

Scarlet: racing to the canteen again, (y/n)?

(Y/n): yeah, sorry. You know me, I get way too into it.

Scarlet: yes, I've noticed.

She began picking up the books on the ground and I started helping her.

(Y/n): so what're you up to.

???: oh, just another delivery.

I looked up and saw Blaze flying over us with a stack books tied to his back.

As of lately, Scarlet, Blaze, and Max have been doing book deliveries for the library, which explains all the books.

(Y/n): wait, where's Max?

Scarlet pointed over to an alley where I saw max digging through a trash can.

(Y/n): uh, Max, what're you doing?

Max: looking for lunch.

(Y/n): in a trash can?

Max: yeah, the bins here are always full of half eaten gold.

He pulled a piece of meat out of the bin and shoved it in his mouth.

A shutter ran up my spine at the sight of this action and I quickly turned away.

Scarlet finished picking up her books and stood back up. Suddenly, I felt something bite my ankle. I raised my leg and saw a certain someone sinking her teeth into my leg, but failing to break skin.

(Y/n): nice try, Tide.

She let go and stood up straight.

She let go and stood up straight

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Tide: that didn't hurt at all?!

(Y/n): it was more startling than painful.


Tide was a lagiacrus hybrid who joined our community a year ago after we defeated The Claws Of Dala. However, she's only 12 and doesn't have much control over her electrical abilities. That and despite being half lagiacrus...she can't swim. Despite this I still took it upon myself to basically become her teacher and show her how it's done.

(Y/n): eh, don't worry about it, squirt.

I ruffled her hair.

(Y/n): how about we head to the canteen?

Tide: only if I can ride on your back.

(Y/n): ...*sigh*

I squatted down and she jumped on my back.

(Y/n): you'll be doing extra swimming lessons tomorrow for this.

Tide: it's worth it.

I turned back to Scarlet one more time.

(Y/n): you guys coming?

Scarlet: we'll meet you there when we're done with our delivery.

(Y/n): ok, I'll see you guys there.

I felt Tide kick me in the side like a horse.


(Y/n): ugh, the things I do for this child, I feel like a parent.

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