Chapter 9: Astera

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(Y/n)'s POV

Me and the rest of my team kept treading through the dense forest toward the commission base. We arrived in front of a large, wooden gate.

Rex: uh, should we...knock?

He turned to me. I just shrugged. Rex walked up to the large gate and pounded on it with his fist.


I began to hear footsteps approaching the gate before seeing someone's body begin to move from side to side as to look through the cracks in the logs that formed its structure. I heard them release and small but audible gasp.

???: y-you hybrids aren't welcome here!

Rex: excuse me?

???: all you've done is steal our supply shipments and attack our hunters countless times.

Rex punched the gate, causing it to shake.

Rex: the hell did you just say?! For your information we were just attacked by hybrids off shore, and we didn't walk miles through a forest full of hardcore monsters to be discriminated by some jackass!

(Y/n): Rex...

He turned to me.

(Y/n): chill out.

Just then I heard another pair of footsteps approaching the gate.

???: what's going on here?

???: c-commander, this bunch of hybrids are trying to get through the gate.

The second man looked through the crack of the logs.

???:, humans, what're you doing with these hybrids?

I turned, he was referring to Kyanna, Erma, Cody, and Kestin. Kyanna cleared her throat.

Kyanna: we're from the old world, after receiving your letter a team of the best hunters we had were shipped of here.

(Y/n): Alexander sent us.

???: hm, is that so?

There was a brief silence.

???: open the gate.

???: b-but sir-

???: I gave you an order.

This guy's tone was strange, even when ordering around his subordinates he spoke in an oddly calm sort of way. The hunter hesitated before the gate began to open. Out walked a tall man with short semi blonde hair and golden eyes.

???: welcome to the new world, my name is Terra. I'm the commander of the commission fleet.

He extended his hand. I walked over to him and shook it.

(Y/n): it's a pleasure, I'm (y/n).

Terra: the pleasures all mine. So why exactly were hybrids sent by the hunter's guild in the old world.

Nara: well, we had an incident about a year ago with an organization called "The Claws of Dala". When it was over and done tons of hybrids joined the guild and we've lived in peace with humans ever since.

Terra: hm, interesting. Alexander never mentioned anything about this.

Cody: well, he's still kind of new at his job so he forgot.

Terra: eh, that's understandable. Come on in, we have much to discuss.

Terra led us inside .

Terra: welcome to Astera, one of the 3 home bases in the new world.

The Hybrid: The New World (Monster Hunter x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now