Chapter 11: A New Assignment

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(Y/n)'s POV

After last night's events me and the others chose to keep an eye out. Turns out the feather that hybrid stabbed Rex with was poisoned, so of course, we needed to get him treatment, as well as report the incident to Terra.

The next morning we reported to Terra, or at least I did, the rest just stayed in our room to await further orders.

I walked up to Terra meeting table

Terra: good morning, (y/n). I'm glad you had the time for this.

(Y/n): well, I literally have nothing better to do, so what's up?

Terra: yesterday I mentioned that in order to gain an edge against those hybrids you and your friends would need to familiarize yourselves with the new world and fauna within it.

(Y/n): alright, any suggestions on where to start?

He rolled out the map on the table.

Terra: you can start by exploring the 7 regions that make up the new world. There's the ancient forest, wildspire waste, coral highlands, rotten vale, elders recess, hoarfrost reach, and the guiding lands. In order to cover more ground, I recommend splitting up into teams. If you and your friends run into any hybrids you are to report it immediately, it's to risky to be picking fights with so much at stake.

(Y/n): got it, I'll have a talk with Rex and divide everyone into groups. Is that all you need?

Terra: one more thing, if you find anything leading to the hybrid groups leader I'm the first to know about it, understand?

(Y/n): hundred percent, sir.

Terra: good, that's all I had to say.

I took the new world map and headed back to our quarters.

I opened the door only to see Scarlet with Rex in a stranglehold

Scarlet: you gonna take it back, jackass?!

I watched as Rex's face turned purple and his wind pipe was crushed by Scarlet's strength.

After a few seconds, Rex managed to squeak out a quiet, but still audible, "yes". Scarlet released him before walking back over to her hammocks. Rex was on his knees, clutching his and gasping for air.

Rex: you're *gasp* a mad woman *gasp*

Scarlet responded by mocking his gasps.

Scarlet: you *gasp* antagonized me.

I walked over to Nara.

(Y/n): what'd I miss.

Nara: well, Rex decided to make some bold claims, one of which being that Scarlet couldn't really do anything of use without her "little bugs", his words not mine. Scarlet immediately retorted by tackling him to the ground and strangling him.

(Y/n): sounds about right.

I cleared my throat.

(Y/n): alright, everyone, we've got a mission.

Everybody in the room turned their attention to me as I place the map on the ground and spread it out.

(Y/n): in order to deal with the hybrids in the new world we need to know our environment, so we'll be splitting up in teams to learn about the various regions and monsters of this place.

Rex: dibs on the elders recess!

(Y/n): nope.

Rex: AW, WHY NOT?!

(Y/n): I'm not stupid, Rex. I know the only reason you wanna go to the elders recess is to find that nergigante hybrid. Instead, you'll be heading to the ancient forest with Nara.

Nara: WHY ME?!

(Y/n): 'cause you're the only one with enough animosity to keep him in line.

Nara looked down, knowing I was mostly right.

(Y/n): as for the rest of us, Kestin and Blaze, you're going to the wildspire waste. Cody and Scarlet, you'll be heading to the rotten vale. Finn and Erma, I'm sending you guys to check out the elders recess...

Rex: awwww!

(Y/n): Aiko and Rin, you're going to the hoarfrost reach.

Tide ran up to me and knelt down in front of the map.

Tide: what about me?!

(Y/n): you'll be coming with me and Kyanna to explore the coral highlands.

Suddenly, Rex grabbed me by the arm and practically dragged me outside. I yanked my arm back from Rex before yelling at him.

(Y/n): dude, what the hell?!

Rex: (y/n), you and I have been friends for over a year now...

(Y/n): uh, where's this going?

He put his hands on my shoulder.

Rex: I want you to promise when the moment'll let me be the one to fight that hybrid.

(Y/n): is that seriously all you care about?

Rex: promise me, man!

(Y/n): ok ok, I'll let you fight her.

Rex: thank you, man.

We walked back inside.

Cody: so what now?

(Y/n): we get the fuck to work.

The Hybrid: The New World (Monster Hunter x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now