Long Lost Reunion

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This one shot was written by Lokis-queen26  thank you so much. I hope you enjoy. If you do you should definitely go check out her account!

Loki and (Y/n) were lounging on the sofa watching How To Train Your Dragon movie; it had become one of Loki’s favorite movies since having been forced to live and work with the Avengers. Loki smirked when the twins, Ruffnut and Tuffnut announced they had pledged their devotion to Loki God of Mischief.
“I never realized I was so popular,” he said somewhat sarcastically, chuckling. (Y/n) smiled looking up at Loki “Of course you’re popular, ever since the battle of New York and now you being the newest addition to the Avengers everyone can see how amazing and powerful you are.”

As they continued to watch the movie the AI system J.A.R.V.I.S sent off the alarm signaling that a mission had been reported. Loki grumbled and pouted about date night being ruined. (Y/n) stood pulling Loki with his girlfriend... Both of them made the short walk down to the meeting room where the rest of the Avengers had assembled. Taking your seats giving Fury and Steve full attention, curious as to what the mission was and who would be leaving for it.

“Team we have received intel that Hydra is holding a young teen hostage with unknown abilities in a base out off the coast of Madagascar. The main objective is to infiltrate the facility, recover the asset and return to the tower without causing any havoc.” Fury glanced at each member in the room, his eye giving no evidence of giving any other details or explanation. He turned nodding towards Steve to take over with his famous, “I’m the oldest and know how to organize teams for missions” speech.

“Before Cap gives his speech and chooses someone to complete the missions I have a few questions about this mission,”  (Y/n) asked, as all eyes turned to look in her direction. “First off, How do we know there is only one hostage and If it is only one what makes them so special that we would get word about them? Secondly, since we will be at the Hydra facility why don’t we use Jarvis to hack into the database and see if they are hiding any other hostages that we could consider saving?” (Y/n) had always worn her heart on her sleeve and that often got her into trouble with Fury and the team.

“Now don’t get me wrong, I would love nothing more than to take Hydra out but that’s not our mission. Besides, according to the intel the facility is abandoned or so it seems, we don’t need to risk our lives galavanting around a Hydra controlled building. I know how you feel when it comes to them holding children and young teenagers, especially when you of all people know what they are capable of." Steve spoke before Fury could reprimand you for questioning the mission.

Crossing her arms (Y/n) leaned back in her chair pouting, Loki scooted closer wrapping his arm around her trying to keep her calm. When her emotions got out of hand her powers could get weird. Steve nodded towards Loki, as a way of silently acknowledging him for keeping her calm. “Now, For this mission we will need Loki, (Y/n) and Nat,” Fury spoke once everyone was through reading the briefing file.

“Why would you choose (Y/n) and myself?” Loki asked, trying to keep a look of disgust from showing to the group.

“We need you because if the teen has magic you are more suited in helping to counter it. (Y/n) can help coax the teen to come with us and Nat to fly the Jet to get you both to Madagascar and back. Plus she is trained in hand to hand combat as well as a field medic for the team.” Steve explained before dismissing the team.

-Time skip brought to you by Natasha’s awesome pilot skills-

(Y/n) and Loki stealthy snuck into the facility after having encountered two Hydra members taking them out rather quickly as if the villainous agent was untrained as a guard. Quickly and quietly they worked their way towards the containment units to rescue the teen.

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