Second Choices

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This was requested by Lokis-queen26. I don't know if this is what you had in mind but I hope you enjoy it! If y'all want a part 2 please let me know. Sorry for all the POV changes. Love y'all! Enjoy!


(Y/n)'s POV

I raise my fist to knock on Loki's door. I am crushed by what I hear inside, "Should we match?" Natasha asks. "Whatever you wear will be fine," Loki answers, "and if you really want to match I'll match my tie to your dress." I run down the hall to my room and fling myself onto the bed. 'What was I thinking asking Loki to the party? Really, (Y/n)? Of course, he's not interested in me... He's just a big flirt,' I think to myself. I allow myself to cry for lost love for thirty minutes before cleaning myself up and going to find a date.

Loki's POV

I am finally done with Natasha. I thought she would never stop talking. 'You just have to go to one party with her. It's just one party. Think about what you get after. Freedom for an evening. You can finally ask (Y/n) out,' I try to convince myself.

(Y/n)'s POV

I walk into the living room where Steve is. It looks like he's just finished working out. "Do you still need a date for Stark's party?" I ask bluntly. "Yes, I think this is stupid though, Tony shouldn't be forcing us together by making dates required," Steve says. "I agree but I'd still like to go to the party, so will you go with me?" I ask. "I'd love to. I'll pick you up tomorrow at 8:00," Steve says. "Alright, can we match?" Steve nods. Steve and I arrange everything and I walk back to my room to read.


I do my best to please the stupid mortal but every time she talks my mind wanders to (Y/n). 'The way she talks, the way she laughs at all my pranks on Thor, the way her body moves as she laughs, the wa-' I am brought back to reality by my door closing. Natasha must not have been happy with my answers, as there weren't any. I debate between going after Natasha and going to see (Y/n). There isn't really anything to debate and I find myself walking towards (Y/n)'s room. Once there, I knock on her door. "Who is it?" (Y/n) answers. "Loki," I say.

(Y/n)'s POV

Someone knocks on my door and I sit up in bed. I know it's either Loki or Natasha because they're the only people who come to my room and have the courtesy to knock. 'Nat should be training right now... Maybe I'm wrong... I hope I am,' I think. "Who is it?" I say. "Loki."'Of course.' "Come in," I say. I didn't want Loki to think something was wrong so even though I didn't want to see him I had to. Loki walks in and I can't help but feel a pang of sadness in my heart. "Hello, Loki," I say. Loki smiles softly. "Hello, darling," Loki greets softly in return. This hurts me more than I ever thought possible. "Don't call me that, please," I practically beg. "Alright but, you never had any objections before. Is something wrong?" Loki says kindly. "No, it's just that we're not in a romantic relationship so we shouldn't act as if we are," I respond.

Loki's POV

It feels as if her words shatter my heart into a million pieces. 'How could you be such a fool!? Thinking she could love a monster! Even kind (Y/n) can't love such a thing. There is truly no hope for me,' I think. "I am truly sorry, (Y/n)." 'I guess all that flirting, all those words said meant nothing to her.'

(Y/n)'s POV

"It's alright... I should probably get ready for the party. Steve is "picking me up" at 8:00," I say using air quotations when I said picking me up because all he had to do was walk down the hall. "Oh yeah. Uh have fun," Loki says before leaving. While getting ready a few tears escape and run down my cheeks. Steve knocks before opening the door at exactly 8:00.

Loki's POV

I walk down the hall to Natasha's room. I knock on her door. "Who is it?" Natasha asks. "It's Loki." "Come in," she says. I do as I'm told. "I'm sorry but, I'm not going to the party tonight," I inform Natasha once I'm inside the door. "I thought you wanted to spend an evening freely. Fury agreed that if you did one of us (meaning the Avengers) a favor you could walk freely for an evening. I don't know when the next time an Avenger will need help and ask you," Natasha says. "I did, but I no longer care. Thank you so much for the chance," I say. "Alright," Natasha says.

I walk out of Natasha's room and walk to my own. Once there, I stand in the doorway too numb to care about anything or anyone anymore. My heart is broken and all hope is gone. No feeling remains.

(Y/n)'s POV

Steve walks me to the party downstairs. I try to keep from looking for Loki. Steve sits down on a couch so I sit next to him. "You look beautiful tonight as always," Steve says genuinely. "Thank you," I say shortly. Steve nods and I sigh. I can't help myself and I look around for Loki. I see Natasha but it looks like she's here with Bruce as they're dancing and they match. 'Did Loki play us both? If so, what was the point? Did he just want to hurt us? That doesn't sound like the Loki I know... The Loki I love. I don't believe he would do such a thing,' I think.

Natasha looks happy with Bruce. I look at Steve. "You want to dance?" I ask. Steve nods. "I would be honored to dance with you," Steve answers. It's clear Steve likes me, he's been trying to get me to go out with him for months, I feel bad for not feeling the same. Steve and I dance. We sit back down on the couch, once we're done.

I don't know what else to do so I focus on the way the party is set up. A bar on the right with every kind of alcohol you could ever dream of. And the DJ's table is set up behind the bar. To the left is a sitting area with those tall tables and a few couches. Everywhere else is open space for dancing. The floors are black Marley and there's a retro disco ball hanging from the ceiling in the middle of the room.

"I'm going to get something to drink, would you like something?" I ask Steve once I get bored of looking around. "No, thank you," Steve says. After four cosmos and eight shots, the night finally ends. Steve has to walk me to my room because I can't walk. Steve walks me to bed, I collapse into bed and fall fast asleep. Steve leaves.

Loki's POV

I stand in the same place all night. I don't think about anything. I just stand there. I finally force myself to walk to bed, I lay down and just stare at the ceiling not thinking about anything. Just staring. I eventually drift off into a dreamless sleep.

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