Second Choices pt 2

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In the morning, you wake up with the worst hangover you've ever had. Someone knocks on your door, softy. You groan at the loud noise. "Come in," you whisper. Loki walks in. "Lady (Y/n), I brought you a hangover potion," Loki says formally. He had decided that he would be what you thought of him... a friend. You're surprised when you hear Loki's voice, you still hadn't opened your eyes yet and you were fully expecting Natasha. "Thank you, Loki," you whisper. Loki hands you the hangover potion. You drink it and immediately feel much better. "I should..." Loki trails off before leaving.

You open your eyes and get out of bed. You couldn't help but think about how different Loki sounded... There wasn't really much of a difference but something was definitely off. 'Maybe Natasha broke his heart,' you think, 'He's still my best friend... I should go make sure he's ok...' You get dressed and walk to Loki's room. You knock. "Go away!" Loki yells anyone would be able to identify the hurt, sadness, and distress in his voice.


Loki had just gotten back from giving (Y/n) the potion. He was starting to feel again... The numbness subsided. Loki slides down his door and hides his face in his knees. One tear after another began to slide down Loki's cheeks. If anyone were to walk past Loki's room, they'd never know he was crying. He had mastered silently crying. Thank you, Odin.

Someone knocks on Loki's door. "Go away!" Loki stands up and wipes his face. "It's (Y/n). Are you ok?" you call through the door. "I'm alright, Lady (Y/n), thank you for your concern," Loki says rather convincingly. "May I come in?" you ask. Loki opens the door.

You walk in and close the door behind you. "What's wrong?" you ask. Loki shakes his head. "Nothing," Loki says, not meeting your gaze. You hug Loki. "I'm sorry, Loki," you try to console him, thinking this is about Natasha. Loki leans into the embrace before pulling back quickly.

"How was the party?" Loki asks. "Fine. Why weren't you there?" you answer. "I thought it was stupid," Loki says. You nod. "Am I supposed to ignore the fact that you've been crying?" you ask, softly. Loki covers his face with his hands. "Yes," Loki mutters through his hands. You pull Loki's hands from his face. "What's wrong," you ask. "I love someone, (Y/n), and they don't love me back," Loki says in an overly pleasant way. "I'm sorry, Loki. I understand completely," you say, battling your own emotions. Loki opens his mouth to answer but closes it when someone knocks.

"Go away!" Loki yells. "Have you seen (Y/n)?" Steve calls. "I'm in here, Steve," you say. "May I come in?" Steve asks. "Yes," Loki answers. Steve walks in and hugs you. "You weren't in your room when I checked on you. I was really worried. I thought something might have happened to you. So I looked everywhere for you. I'm so glad you're ok," Steve says, all in one breath. You look over Steve's shoulder at Loki. He looks as if he could murder Steve. You push Steve off of you. "I'm sorry. I'll talk to you when I'm done, ok?" you respond, assuming the reason Loki's so mad is that Steve's in his room. "Alright," Steve says before leaving.

"So are you and Steve...?" Loki trails off. You shake your head. "No. I asked him to the party because the guy I wanted to go with already had a date," you answer. Loki nods and asks, "Who did you want to go with?" You swallow hard. You knew you couldn't lie to him, he'd know. "You, Loki, I love you. But I heard you and Natasha making plans for the dance... And then she showed up with Bruce and not you... So, something must have happened... And... And... I'm really sorry you didn't get to go with her. And it's ok that you don't love me because I'm happy if you're happy. I hope we can still be friends," the words just kinda fall out of my mouth without my control.

Loki waits till you're done talking then wraps you in a hug. "I was only going to the party with Natasha so I could take you on a date out of the tower with you since I'm on house arrest," Loki explains. "Aw, Loki, I would go on a date anywhere with you. Even the tower," you say. Loki looks from your eyes to your lips then leans down. "May I?" Loki whispers. You close the gap and kiss Loki.

Loki pulls back and kneels. "Lady (Y/n) (L/n), would you do me the honor of allowing me to court you?" Loki asks. "Of course!" you exclaim. Loki smiles up at you.


You spend all day wondering where Loki is until he knocks on your door at sunset. "Yes?" you call. "My love, would you accompany me to the roof?" Loki asks. "Yeah, hold on. Let me change I'm still in my pajamas," you answer. "That will not be necessary unless you feel more comfortable in real clothes," Loki says. You walk out of your room. Loki offers you his arm and you take it. Loki leads you to the roof. There's a heart-shaped picnic blanket with rose petals around it in the middle of the roof. Loki leads you to the blanket.

You sit down and Loki sits across from you. Loki grabs the picnic basket and you eat. When you're done, it's dark and Loki pulls down a projector screen and turns on your favorite movie. After the movie, Loki has to carry you to bed because you fell asleep. That was the most fun you ever had while just watching a movie. 

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