Our Own Kind Of Monster

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This was requested by Seasongtheseawing . I will put the prompt at the end of the one shot. Thank you so much for requesting this sorry it took so long, I hope you enjoy. And thank you to everyone else for reading!


  I glare at Thor's back for what is likely the hundredth time as he drags me back to that nornforsaken tower. Once we get inside I am greeted by the warmest reception, I can hear the sweet Avengers saying things like, "I can't believe we have to put up with him." "I had hoped we'd never have to see him again." "How long is he here for again?" and so much more. How kind. I roll my eyes and wait for Thor to take this stupid muzzle off. It takes the oaf over half an hour to finally acknowledge my presence again. Half an hour. He finally takes off my chains and muzzle. "Thank you, dear brother, for getting those off so quickly," I say with mock sincerity. Thor glares at me and replies, "I can put them back on if the speed at which I took them off was too hasty for you." I just roll my eyes. "So, where am I staying during this stint with the Avengers? Do I get a new and improved cell since you broke the last one?" I ask Thor sarcastically. "You get a real room this time, brother," Thor says with a softness to his voice which makes me want to snap at him that we were never real brothers. I keep my mouth shut because he is still holding that damned muzzle. "I will show you to your room but first, Stark made you a bracelet that will keep you out of trouble," Thor says, any softness gone from his voice. "Ah, yes, the bracelet that will take what remains of my freedom, I cannot wait," I remark dryly. "I will not watch my little brother be killed! Even if it is deserved!" Thor says with a bit of anger. I don't respond and Thor snaps the bracelet onto my wrist before taking me to my room.

Thor opens the door to a room and steps in, holding the door for me. I step in not even glancing at Thor. "You should at least try to be civil with The Avengers," Thor says glaring at me. "Yes, I'm sure they will welcome me with open arms," I quip. "And who's fault is that?" Thor asks, anger coming back into his tone. I shake my head. "You know who's at fault," I respond, quieter than normal. "No, Loki, this is your fault! If you hadn't made a deal with the Frost Giants to ruin my coronation this never would have happened," Thor says, hotly. "Yeah," I mumble, all emotion seemingly leaving my body. Thor shakes his head. "There should be clothes in here for you. It would probably be best if you stayed in here for today." I nod in response and Thor walks out.

My brows knit as someone knocks on the door quite softly, shortly after Thor left. I don't make a move to answer the door, I don't want to talk to Thor again. When the knock comes again I roll my eyes. "What do you want, Thor?" I question impatiently. "Um... I'm not Thor," comes the muted response. Confused, I get up off the couch where I was reading, it didn't sound like any of The Avengers... I open the door to reveal a woman I've never seen before. I keep the surprise off of my face as I address her, "Who are you? And what do you want?" The woman studies me for a moment before finally answering, "My name is (Y/n) and I came to say hello." "Ah, I see, well, you've said it. You can go now," I say, not in the mood to hear her opinion of what I've done or whatever it was she came here for. (Y/n) nods a little. "Yeah... Ok... Sorry to bother you," she says before walking away. I walk back to the couch in my room and pick my book back up.

When the sun starts to set a loud knock sounds at my door. This time, I know it's Thor. Thor opens the door without waiting for me to say anything. "I brought you dinner," Thor says shortly, and sets down a plate on a nearby table. I nod in response. "You're welcome," Thor mumbles before leaving. I pick the plate up off of the table and dump the food into the trash. I am definitely not in the mood to eat right now. I try to summon a dummy, so I can at least do something while being in here, but the damn bracelet shocks me and nothing appears. I curse under my breath and decide that Thor isn't always right. I pick up my empty plate and walk out of my room. I walk slowly, trying to take in every detail of my surroundings. Looking for anything that would make a good makeshift weapon or possible escape routes. I do not want my stay to extend much longer. When I get to the kitchen, I put my plate into the sink before carefully taking stock of all of the foods the Avengers have. I head off to find whatever passes as the laundry room here. I take stock of every chemical they have. I start heading back to my room when I bump into the woman from earlier. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't see you," she says, (Y/n) I think is her name. I nod in response. She looks at me, confusion clear in her expression. "What are you doing in the laundry room?" she asks. "I took my plate to the kitchen, but I got lost on the way back," I lie, taking note of the clothes in (Y/n)'s arms. She nods. "Oh, ok. Let me put these clothes down and I'll walk you back," she says and puts the clothes in a large laundry basket. I watch her carefully, there was something... different about her. (Y/n) smiles at me when she's done. "Alright, let's go." I nod and she walks me back to my room.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2023 ⏰

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