Meet the Parents

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This one-shot was requested by Lokis-queen26 I hope you enjoy it!


"You do not have a choice in the matter!" Odin booms his voice echoing throughout the throne room. "I will not marry someone I have never met! I am not your pawn anymore!" Loki retorts hotly. "Asgard needs this alliance with Vanaheim! Are you really ready to sacrifice the safety of our people because of your own selfish desire?" Odin says. "I've already made a promise to someone and I intend to keep it," Loki says calmly. "What do you mean?" Odin snaps. "I am engaged." "To whom!?" Odin practically screams. "(Y/n) (L/n)," Loki answers. "I must meet her at once," Odin demands. "You can't, she's working right now," Loki says. Odin calls a guard. "Bring her to me at once," Odin orders the guard. "No! She has to work. Her boss will fire her if she leaves," Loki protests.


You work for the town pervert... She was the only person who would hire you after Odin ruined your father's name. You get nervous when your boss walks towards you with a royal guard and an angry look. "(Y/n), you've been requested at the palace," the guard says. "Can I ask who requested me?" you ask. "King Odin himself," your boss mocks. You swallow hard. "Really?" you question. The guard nods.

The guard takes you to the palace. He leads you to the throne room and you kneel in front of Odin. Odin sits atop his throne, Queen Frigga is standing next to the throne, and Loki stands off to the side near the corner. Odin nods and you rise. "Why are you dressed in such an inappropriate manner?" Odin questions. You look down at your dress that's inappropriate by Asgards standards. "The woman I work for requires me to wear it, sir," you respond. "Then why do you work for such a woman? Do you enjoy her eyes on you? What exactly do you do for her?" Odin asks accusingly. Loki clenches his fists but his face remains calm. Frigga looks as if she wants to say something but doesn't. "No, sir. She was the only person willing to employ me. All I do is clean for her. I am simply her maid," you say.

A guard walks into the room and whispers something to Loki before they both leave. Loki looks at you, clearly sorry about leaving but it was clear he didn't have a choice. Odin ignores what just happened. "And why will no one else employ you? What did you do?" Odin asks. "My father was dishonorably discharged from the royal guard. He had a reputation for being unloyal because that's why you discharged him. All he did was have a child," you spit venomously. Frigga's face flashes with anger before showing no emotion.

"Is it true you have plans to marry my son?" Odin asks, changing the subject. "Yes," you answer shortly. "And what do you seek to gain from doing so? You're obviously poor. So is it money you're after?" "Enough," Frigga interjects. "This matter doesn't concern you." Frigga glares at Odin. Loki walks back in. "Why don't you take Lady (Y/n) to your room while your father and I speak?" Frigga says. Loki nods and takes you to his room.

"Would you like me to see if I can find you a dress to change into, love?" Loki offers, knowing how uncomfortable the one you're wearing makes you feel. You nod, you knew even if you said no Loki would insist and you didn't feel like arguing. Loki gives you a green, black, and gold dress from his closet. "Thank you, Loki," you say. "Of course, darling." You change in the bathroom. Once you're done, you sit down next to Loki on his huge bed. Loki explains why you're here. "I don't like him," you mutter. "Me either, my love," Loki says, softly. "(Y/n)?" Loki asks. "Yes," you answer. "I love you." "I love you too, Loki."

A guard knocks on Loki's door, ruining the moment. "Yes?" Loki calls "King Odin requests you, sir," he answers. Loki takes you back to the throne room. "If you pass this test you may marry Loki," Odin says. Frigga looks at Odin surprised. "Don't worry, my dear, I'm only making sure she's right for him," Odin consoles.

Odin turns towards you. "First off, Loki isn't Asgardian." You, Loki, and Frigga all look at Odin, shocked he would just blurt out Loki's secret like that. "I know he's a frost giant but even if I didn't that doesn't give you the right to tell me. That should be Loki's decision," you say. "Second, you may not take a penny from Loki," Odin declares. Frigga and Loki look at Odin angrily. You hand Loki your engagement ring. "Alright," you say. "Third, your father may not step foot on the palace grounds," Odin says. "He wouldn't if he could," you remark. Odin sighs. "I guess you and Loki... are allowed to get married. Everything I said was untrue except for the first thing of course," Odin says. Loki gives you the ring back. You grin and slide it onto your finger. "You're dismissed," Odin announces. You and Loki walkout to plan your wedding. 

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