[2] Makeup and Breakups.

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Stiles and I went to the office, so I could pick up my schedule and finally go to my class.

This guy was absolutely adorable, his cute little button nose, his hazel eyes, and his cute little birthmarks. Ugh. I caught myself staring at him, oh god stop, Emma.

"Well- uh we're here," he smiled, Jesus this boy was hot. I quit daydreaming, "Thank you so much." "We should catch up later, see you around?" He grinned. "Absolutely," I probably had the biggest smile ever on my face ever right now.

I asked the nice desk lady if my schedule was ready for me, she handed it to me and I walked out of the office.

I looked for my first class, oh great. Biology. 4 syllables, one word to express my thought. EW. I looked for the biology classroom, I unlocked my phone and the clock read 8:40 AM. Shit, I'm late.

I opened the door and slipped inside the classroom. A booming voice came from behind me, "Miss McCall? Welcome, you're late but welcome." Some guy in the classroom gave me a puzzled look, so much for being the new student. "Everyone, this is Emma McCall. She's new to our school, please make her welcome," The teacher said.

After that the teacher was blabbing on about atoms or frogs, I don't know, I wasn't even listening. I grabbed my phone and went on Instagram but I made sure no one saw me. That was the only good thing about sitting in the back of the class.

The class was interrupted by someone entering the room. "Ah-ha. Mr. Stilinski. You're late. Again." The teacher recalled. "Oh yeah- sorry I had to put some lacrosse equipment away. I bumped into a girl and helped her out, her name was Emma or something." Stiles? "Please go take a seat, Mr. Stilinski."

Stiles stumbled over his own feet and made his way to the seat next to me. "Hey, stiles" I whispered as quietly as I could. "Emma! How's it going? Long time, no see." He laughed.

Wow, I could tell he was a sarcastic one. Which made him even cuter, oh god. EMMA STOP.

Stiles and I didn't talk much, I kind of paid attention. Also, this boring syllabus is totally going to the garage can.

After class was over, I gathered my things and headed out the class room. I felt a strong grip on my wrist, I turned around, startled. Stiles.

Thank god, I thought I was about to get killed. "Oops, sorry if I scared you or almost gave you a heart attack." I gave him an uneasy laugh, "It's fine, don't worry about it!" "

Sorry, I got to go help Scott with something." Who's Scott again?

"No you go ahead! I'll see ya later." I grinned.

I probably looked like a mess right now. I went to the bathroom, but only heard a crying noise. A girl crying noise.

"Hello? Is anyone here?" I yelled.

"I'm sorry," the girl paused to sniffle and catch her breath, "sorry- I,"

The bathroom stall opened to reveal a crying girl. Her makeup was ruined and her hair was like a bird's nest.

"I'm so sorry, do you need anything?" I asked politely.

The girl kept sobbing, oh god. Did I just make everything worse?

"My boyfriend broke up with me- and I loved-" Her voice cracked, as she kept crying.

I grabbed her hand and lead her to the bathroom mirrors. I told everything was going to be okay, and that the guy that dumped her was missing out on a beautiful, smart, girl. I didn't know this girl but she seemed like it.

"What's your name?"

"Lydia Martin." She said as she was wiping away her tears.

"That's a beautiful name." She looked at me and smiled.

You're a sky full of stars - Stiles Stilinski ≫Where stories live. Discover now