[6] It's Just A Dream.

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I woke up in a cold room, didn't I go to sleep in my room? I looked around in the tight space that I was in. It seemed to be in a locker of some sort. I was in a freaking locker. What the hell?

"Hello?" I managed to choke out. I heard something rattling. I peeked outside with the little holes at the sides of the locker. Like if something fell off of a table, I opened the locker that I was in, I stepped on the marble floor. Bullets fell out of ceiling that I was under. This was definitely a dream.

I ran back into the locker. I shut it with all my force. I buried my face in my hands, it's just a dream, Emma. Emma, it's okay. It's okay.

I stayed in the locker until the rattling noise had stopped. Once it did, I stepped out once again.

But this time it was different. Instead of the walls being white, they were stained with blood. Someone's blood. Blood meant death in my dreams, or someone was kidnapped or killed. Someone wrote on the wall, with blood. I stepped back to read the full sentence on the wall that was once white. I got startled, someone was screaming behind that wall, a male voice. A guy. The wall was shaking from the person that was pounding on it with their fists. The screaming and everything stopped.

I squinted at the letters in front of me, "Come... Find... Me." Find who? Who was lost in the first place? As I stepping back, I stepped on one of the silver bullets, "Shit, ouch." I grabbed the bullet from the floor, i examined the features that this bullet had. It didn't look familiar, but could it mean something? A skull, a skull. I was stuck, it's probably an omen.

I slipped the unfamiliar bullet inside my pocket, walked back into the locker. Closed my eyes,

And woke up.

_ _ _ _

I woke up, and was relieved at the sight of my room. I looked my walls, good. No blood. I checked the floor and ceiling, no bullets, good. That was a crazy ass dream.

Could I possibly mean something? Sometimes my dreams were alerts, or telling me that I should look out. Or do something. Put this time, it was telling me to... Look for someone that was lost. I don't think this is good. I should probably tell Scott about this. He can help me, I think.

I got ready for school, I felt a stomachache coming. No, ew. I took of my pajamas and slipped on my sweat pants, along with my maroon volleyball t-shirt.

The whole time I was getting ready, the dream was clogging my thoughts. I had the water running in my sink because, I was brushing my teeth and pushed my straightener in, and it was plugged in. I'm screwed for sure.

I turned around and saw a lot of sparks fall, "Shit!" What was I doing?! I tried taking the straightener out with my bare hands, but being a kitsune doesn't help at all. The day was probably going to get worse as the day went by.

I gathered enough bravery and pulled the straightener out, I looked at the mirror. My eyes changed color again, the familiar dark red Crimson. Note to self, whenever I freak out around electric stuff and water, I need to calm down quickly or it'll turn out worse than it had first started.

My straightener was completely fried. Great. My mom was going to kill me, but I bought that with my own money so whatever. Instead of straightening my hair today, I had to go natural. One point for hair products, zero for Emma. I wasn't surprised, to be honest.

A few minutes had gone by and my eyes were still Crimson. The supernatural stuff has to hurry up, I have to go to school, like now.

- - - -

I went into biology, my first class. I was still aware that my eyes were still under the supernatural phase. As soon as I sat down in my seat, I pulled out my makeup mirror. I looked directly at my eyes, I frowned. They were still a "hey I'm a kitsune" color. Still.

Stiles slid into the seat next to me, "Hey Em." He glanced at my eyes, I hope he didn't notice. He took a second look at my eyes, "Woah, you know you're eyes aren't brown right now, right?" Ugh.

He definitely noticed. I hit his shoulder, "Stiles! You don't think I don't know that already?!" I said in a annoyed voice. Oh my god.

I put my mirror away, "Hopefully no one notices," The teacher came around passing around a paper, "Emma? What's wrong with your eyes?" Shit. I looked up at the teacher, "Oh! Uh- it's a new trend! colored contacts!" I chirped. Stiles laughed at my stupid excuse, but I gladly kicked him in the shin. His smile turned into a frown, quickly. Oops. My bad.

"Nice!" The teacher gave me a warm smile. Phew, that was so close. The dream popped back inside my head, "Stiles, Stiles, Stiles, before I forget, I had a dream last night about a silver bullet. And someone was lost and I have to find them. But, they are behind a wall somewhere. I just- I don't know. I'm scared." I buried my face in his chest and he pulled me closer, and I put my hands around his waist. I pulled away from our hug, I didn't want to put class was starting. Ugh.

"We need to talk to Scott about this. And someone is missing. We know who is missing." Stiles said as he gave me and assuring look.

Who was missing?

I felt something in my pocket, strange. I took the object out. It was the silver bullet with the skull carved in it from my dream last night.

I covered my mouth from screaming, a tear formed and ran down my cheek. It was real. It wasn't a dream. It wasn't a dream.

I began crying, what was wrong with me? This isn't me.

I wiped my tears with my hand, " Stiles- I- I gotta go. Now."

I stumbled out of classroom and ran to the bathroom, I closed the door and slid down with my back against one of the walls. No one can save me now. I felt someone's heart beat, it grew louder and louder. Until the door swung open, it was Scott. I cried louder and ran to hug Scott.

He embraced me for a hug, Scott rubbed my back, "It's going to be okay, Emma. It's okay."

"No it's not!" I screamed, "There's something wrong with me, and I don't know. They want something."

"Who?" Scott looked at me, confusion had filled his eyes.

"The were-jaguar." I plainly said.

"The were-jaguar wants something or already has something she wants." I explained.

"The were-jaguar?" Scott asked.


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