[5] The Lightbulb Experiment.

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I opened my eyes, and took a deep breath. I glanced around, I'm at Stiles' house the last memory I had before I fainted. Where was Scott and Stiles?

I cracked my knuckles, I have a bad tendency of doing it, "Scott? Stiles?"

They both came into the room, the seemed relieved that I was awake, I looked at the clock behind them. It read 8:34 PM. I was knocked out for almost nine hours. Wow.

I got up and winced at the headache that I had, ouch. I rubbed my temples, but that just made it worse.

"Are you okay? Do you need anything?" Stiles sat next to me and rubbed my back.

"I'm okay and no but thanks for asking." Stiles has been acting so protective around me. That was new. And I've only been in Beacon Hills for a week. That was a surprise.

I got quiet for a few seconds, "Scott, you're an alpha aren't you?"

Scott froze, "An alpha of what?"

"Of a pack, you're a werewolf, right?"

Scott nodded his head, "Yes."

"I'm a hunter," Scott seemed tense, "No no no, don't worry. I won't hurt you."

"How'd you know I was an alpha?" He seemed confused.

"I have these powers were I know if they are is supernatural creature close by focusing very hard." I explained.

I developed these powers when I was about 10. I just woke up one day, and I looked at my mother. She had a form of a fox around her. I got scared and screamed. I didn't know what was going on but my mom explained, she told me she was a kitsune or a supernatural fox.

She told me that my father had the same powers as I. But, I didn't get how a Kitsune and a hunter got along and eventually got married. That's a story I'll tell my kids when I have any.

"Oh." Scott and stiles both said.

"I kind of have that power, too." Scott added. Considering that he was an alpha, he probably did.

"Really?" I wonder if he knows if I'm a kitsune or not. "Scott? Can you do me a favor and check if there's a Kitsune in the room?"

Scott closed his eyes and knitted his eyebrows, and after a few seconds he opened them. His eyes were different then they were before. Instead of a dark brown, they were a dark red. Typical eye color for an alpha.

He gasped, "you're a kitsune?" What? I am?

My eyes widened, I stuttered, "I- I- am?"

My mom or dad never warned me about this or have even talked to me about this. I can't be a hunter and a kitsune. But I can make it work.

"Did you not know this? Or something? Stiles asked.

"Actually no. My mom is a kitsune. But that's all I know."

"Kira is kitsune, too" Stiles added.

"Yeah I know. Supernatural powers remember?" I chuckled.

"Oh yeah, oops I forgot." Stiles blushed a light pink.

"We need to find out if you're a lightning kitsune or not." Scott said, while handing me a light bulb.

"Screw it in the lamp over there," Stiles added.

"No- Sorry I can't. Light bulbs end up exploding, or end up cracking every time I touch them." I thought that this was kind of weird, I can't even handle jumper cables without feeling a spark, which bugs me so much. And scares me, too.

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