[9] She has sympathy for you.

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Stiles opened the door, when the door swung open, I could feel the energy in the room. Music blasting from speakers, and very sweaty people pressing their bodies on others. I've been to parties before, but I'm pretty sure that it wasn't going to be the same. For god's sake, we were in Mexico. Things could get crazy.

Stiles grabbed my hand, "Okay, go find Malia and Kira. Can you pick up their scent?" I sniffed the air and paused for a few seconds, "Yeah, I got their scent." Stiles swallowed, "Be careful, I love you." I tightened the grip on his hand, "I love you, Stiles." I hope Lydia and Stiles don't get killed. Thinking about that made me sick to my stomach. I loosed the grip on his hand so they would be able to proceed with the plan. I'm glad Lydia wasn't able to hear all that because of the blaring music in the room. She would have killed me. Literally.

I sniffed the air for Malia and Kira's scent and looked around. People stared at me like if I was crazy or some shit. "Discupla..." I mumbled. I said excuse me or sorry in Spanish. Well, I was fluent in Spanish so that's great.

I walked around some more, I spotted Malia and Kira. "Hey guys." I smiled. "Hey, Em." They both gave me a warm smile. Their smiles could possibly cure anything. Wow.

Then, Kira reached over to my ear to tell me something, "Hey, Emma, could you try to concentrate and try to listen to the conversation with Araya? Just try. It's okay if you can't." I mumbled, "Okay, I'll try." I closed my eyes, and rubbed my temples. My head was starting to hurt. I heard mumbling voices. I tried to focus harder. I squeezed my eyes shut. Please, c'mon. I can't do it. I opened my eyes, "it's no use. I can't concentrate." I was disappointed in myself. Was it a flaw of my supernatural powers? I frowned. But there was a lot of noise. I mean we were at a party.

"It's okay, don't worry. It's happens to me sometimes." Malia gave me a reassuring look. As the party was going on, I felt as if something was wrong. I looked around. There was two men and a women with guns looking for something. Or someone. I panicked. I pointed out, "There's something wrong, I know it. What do we do?" I exchanged a glance with the two men, they were heading our direction. "Blend in!" Malia suggested. Kira and I had absolutely no idea what to do. "Dance with me, dumbass!" Malia laughed. Dance?! I can't do that! "I can't dance I simply-" I was cut off because Malia grabbed my waist and pulled my closer to get, it seemed as if everything around me had slowed down. Malia tried guiding Kira and I on how to dance.

She's only been a human for a few months, how is she already getting better at human stuff? Pretty sure that I've been a human for at least 17 almost 18 years or so, and I still don't know how to dance. Wow, Shocker.

Malia put her hands by my neck and she still kept hers at my waist. Malia smirked. She put her hands around my neck, we switched and I put my hands on her waist. After dancing for a few minutes, some guys were closing in on us. But we took then down *hair flip* Malia yelled, "Ready?" Ready for what? Did someone not tell me about this part of the plan? Kira nodded, "Um, sure?" I said, still confused.

I knitted my eyebrows. Malia grabbed my hand, leading me somewhere. I looked over the heads of dancing people. I spotted Scott, right away. He pointed upwards from where he was standing under. Scott saw us and signaled us for us to go up where Stiles and Lydia were located. "Okay." Scott gulped and we entered a dark hallway with a door. Malia and Kira stayed at the beginning of the hallway. Scott and I walked carefully through the hallway. That must be the door they are behind. I focused and listened to what the were saying. Please. Please work.

I heard two voices. Stiles and Araya's voice.

"Aaaa... Come on. Just give us Derek. You don't want him anyway. Haven't you noticed what a downer he is? No sense of humor, poor conversationalist. Just come on, take the money." Stiles was totally going against this Derek guy. But, it was for us to save him.

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