8. you get to keep the clothes you wear

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Sierra's Diary
0:00 ─〇───── 17:70 words
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"Sierra!" Alyssa calls out.

I shift my eyes away from the straining Chromebook screen, and gaze them at Alyssa. She effortlessly glides herself into a seat at the lunch table, brushing silky, teddy bear-blonde hair off her shoulders.

She points at my screen with her ivory white nails. "Are you doing homework right now?"

"Oh— no. I'm helping one of my other friends write her one act."

Her eyes go blank. "What's that..."

"They're student written and directed plays." I explain.

She nods. Still probably having no idea what I said, but at least she's nice about it. "Ohhh. Okay. Cool."

"Hey, Sierra!" Maddie greets me as she drops into a chair. She lifts her lululemon bag to the surface and pulls it open.

"How's being on set for you?" She asks in between bites of her crunchy salad. I smell the tangy, orange dressing drizzled across her lettuce, and suddenly I'm very jealous. The only thing I brought for lunch was a flattened sandwich that didn't last for more than ten minutes, and I don't have enough money to put into my school account.

I bury that jealousy to make room for more words that paint me as a famous celebrity. "It's really cool. I wrapped up on filming for this one short film and my agent wants me to get a Netflix deal."

The duo's eyes light up.

"That's so cool! You're actually going to be famous!" Maddie states.

"For real—don't forget us girly," Alyssa adds.

I blush. "Well, it's not a guarantee."

Maddie hums. "I know, but you have an actual agent and everything. I literally bought that skin care stuff because I saw you in a commercial during a March Madness game."

I remember that shoot. I spent seven hours drenching my face in cold sink water; trying to figure out how to look shocked, but not too shocked while scrubbing white foam over my skin. Then, I went home and was sick for a week. "Did it work?"

"Oh—yeah totally." And I smile. My health sacrifice was not in vain.

"Maddie. I heard what happened in the locker room with Jess. What did you do?" Alyssa changes the subject.

I turn my attention back to the screen and start typing again.

journal entree #3
Dear heaven, I'm pretty sure you know about my new friends Alyssa and Maddie? Idk if I ever mentioned them to you guys, but yeah! It's weird because they were the type of girls to ignore me in middle school...honestly I'm pretty sure they did. They never talked to me unless they needed hw answers...which is fine. They probably think I live in one of those rich neighborhoods now with the closed gates.|

I rest my fingerpads over the smooth keys. I want to go in depth so bad on why I'm choosing to surround myself with them. The truth is, Maddie and Alyssa have been hyping me up more than my actual friends. I want to explain how much I need that from them. I want to talk about how nervous I am for the chemistry read tomorrow, and have them tell me that I'm going to do amazing.

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