Bonus Chapter: She's A Rainbow 🌈

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January, 2020
One Acts Performance Night.

Everyone's wondering what our show is going to be like. Well, it's full of love and drama and just enough nuance to hold the audience accountable without saying anything explicit. Heaven did an amazing job with holding a mirror to, not just everyone in theatre, but everyone watching.

It's about forty-five minutes. Me, Iris, and Sierra take turns saying monologues ala Fleabag (the play) style. Currently, we wait in the wings behind the velvet curtain. We listen to the one act before us unfold on stage. A sliver of light warms my cheek as I take a peek at the other side.

Aaron wraps his arms around my waist. (He's not in the show, he's just here for our emotional support. And he brought pizza.)

"Are you guys nervous?" He whispers.

"I've never had to memorize a monologue this huge before. PLUS blocking!" Iris panics.

"I'm just worried that I'm too boring to carry a scene on my own." I say.

"Blasphemy." Aaron says. "You're the most interesting person I know."

"Yeah, but am I able to convey that on stage?"

"You're basically playing yourself! You'll be fine." He reassures me.

"I dunno guys, I'm pretty excited. It's going to feel so cathartic—it's like therapy. I'm basically exposing everyone I know without them knowing it. I want them to feel bad." Sierra rants.

"Jesus okay?" Aaron questions in concern.

"Oh, I'm ECSTATIC." Sierra replies with a beaming smile.

"Uh oh, I think they're done. The lights are going down on stage." Iris says.

As soon as she says that, the audience takes the cheers up a notch. The bright orange house lights rise as the cast stand in a stiff line, awkwardly linking hands for curtain call.

"Oh fuck— we're next!" Iris states. "Who's scene is up first?!"

"Mine." I answer.

"You're gonna do amazing!" Sierra and Iris state.

I look up at Aaron. He shrugs.

"You already know what I'm about to say." He says.

I smile. Soon, the darkness soothes my anxiety. Giving me strength to push my legs forward. I finally reach center stage, ready for the spotlight to beam over my body like a blank canvas waiting to be touched by a paint brush.

"Hi, my name is Lacie Cardell," I start, the echo of my voice consuming the auditorium. "And I have rich, brown eyes. My boyfriend said it reminded him of his puppy's eyes."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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