14. and your childlike eyes, & your distant smile

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Kiara's Diary
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journal entry #5~
Dear Heaven, it's game time. Me and Aaron spent a week going over the material with Ms. Katerina. It just occurred to me that you don't know what it sounds like, so I'm sending a video ref for you to use in your play:

Here you go^
I still can't believe that he offered. I wanted to ask but I didn't want to force him to do something he didn't want to. But before I could say anything he OFFERED!

In the past I've been so used to going up and down with guys I've liked (ie: some days they're dry texters and other days they're totally engaged, some days we would say hi to each other in the hallways, and other days I'd say hi and he would ignore me or wouldn't notice I'd said hi)

But Aaron...Aaron's consistent. He's actually making the reality I daydreamed about in class. I went to a broadway show with him. We're each other's #1 on Snap. I didn't think this would be possible. But I'm not in the clear yet. I don't know if he likes me and I don't want to assume.|


"Ow— Mommy! You poked my knee," I tell her sharply. Sharper than I expected, but I think my circumstances might be influencing me.

In the middle of the living room, I impatiently balance on top of a wobbly stool, my feet aching from the hard, plastic surface. I stare at my clone in the mirror, she's wearing a homemade pink-and-blue "doll in a music box" dress.

A "how to sew" tutorial blasts on the TV for Mama to watch as she carefully pricks the fabric, pulling a needle through the holes.

"I'm sorry, baby. I'm doing the best I can 'cause I gotta get to work in an hour," Mama replies softly, which makes me want to sink in guilt.

A mix of regret and shame swirls through me. God, I'm being so ungrateful. She needs that shift to pay for our bills. But at the same time, it's not fair that I'll be the only one without a parent in the audience. This is my first recital, ever. And she's missing it.

Mama doubles down. I think my silence is freaking her out. "I did try my best to take off work but everybody's been calling off lately and-"

"It's okay. I know," I assure, giving her a smile. Even though it's half-hearted. "My friends will be there, and the Riley's will, too. Sierra said she'll send you a video."

Mama lights up again, lifting a tiny weight off my chest. "Oh! Tell her thank you!"

Then, the cheery doorbell radiates through the apartment. A sound that I've come to love the last couple of weeks, but right now it nearly sends my heart into overdrive.

"Oh no! Mommy, don't let him in," I whisper.

"Why not?"

"I don't want him to see me yet. It's a surprise."

She sneers. "Baby, it's a fall recital. Not a school dance."

"This is my school dance. Unless he ends up saying yes to me asking him out to the mid-autumn formal, which he probably won't—"

"Why do you think he won't?"

"It's hypothetical. But if he doesn't, I've made peace with it. Okay, I'm going to hide in my room. You distract him with one of your homemade fruit packs."

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