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Hannah's POV

I couldnt bare it anymore. The pain and guilt being to much.

Im going to leave a letter one for each of them.

Okay Rosie first

My sweet baby girl, I want you to know mummy loves you so much. Daddy will take good care of you and your brother. You have to be strong Rosie and always be brave. Dont let anyone walk over you and never be affaird to ask for help.
I love you baby. Mummy.

Tears were seen over the page and they didnt stop as i continue writing.

Zane by big boy. I know your fighting for your life right now and its all my fault. Im sorry I wasn't strong enough to procect you. Daddy will do everything he can to look after you and he will always protect you and your sister. Be strong and never give up. I love you. Mummy.

I wiped my tears away and took a breath before starting Adams.

Hey Adam I know your going to be so pissed with me but I have to do this. I can't bare the guilt anymore. I need to tell you that you have always had a sepical place in my heart. Im sorry for being such a burden to you and im sorry for hurting you all those years ago. Im also sorry for stealing from your parnters. You probably knew it was me and took the blame even if i hurt you. I'm so sorry Adam.
I love you so much, you deserve to be happy. Hannah.

Cole next.

Cole im not really sure what to write to you as I don't really know you, however you have always been kind to me and you have helped me. I always felt safe in your arms and those two nights were the only nights I actually got a good night's rest without having nightmares. I thank you for that and I hope you can support Jason with the twins.
Ill be counting on you. Hannah.

The most difficult for last Jason.

I stare at the page. I couldnt bring myself to write anything. As I nurse comes in. I shut my notebook.

"How you feeling today" she asked.

Even though its clear to see ive been crying i put on a fake smile.

"Alot better it dosent hurt when I move now" i tell her.

"Thats good and all your virtuals are good. Ill be back to check on you later and if your still good you can go home"

The nurse left and I felt sick to my stomach.

My home. My granmothers house i spend months making it perfect for the twins. Yet we will never live there all togther. Zane will never see his room.

I knew what to say now opening my note book I start writing.

Once I was done i place the notebook open on the side so they would see it. I slowly made my way to the window. I pushed it open.

For the first time in my life I felt free. Everything had be lifted off my shoulders and I was ready. I pray. Please save Zane.

As i fall the air surrounds me. My life flashes before my eyes. So much hurt and sadness. Only a few happy memories which all seen to be miles apart. The fall was quicker than I hoped as I was only on the 3rd floor. I enjoyed the feeling of being weightless and hated it ending so soon. As my body connected with the ground it didnt hurt as much as I thought it would. Then again im used to feeling numb. Im used to the pain.

My eyes slowly close and I pray take my life and save Zanes. Save my baby.

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