Part 2.

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"Good morning my baby," Amy said to Brian rubbing her eyes open.
"Mummy." He starts jumping on the bed asking his mom for breakfast, "Let me wash my teeth and face first." She giggled with him.
"Good morning Amy." Nicole said, "And to you too little man."
"Wow, pancakes." Amy smiled while Brian was clapping his hands "It's his favorite, thank you."
"Don't thank me, Amy, you are not a guest anymore." Nicole said, "So how was the bed?"
"It was great Aunt Nicole." She smiled "What are you planning to do today?" Nicole asked, Amy start cutting the pancakes into small pieces for Brian.

"I'll visit the town and look for a job" she paused "Do you need anything from there?" Amy asked, "You can use my car it's parked behind the house, it a bit old but it will help you." Nicole said, "And bring with you some grocery, you will find some money in the car under the seat."
"Thank you, Aunt Nicole," Amy smiled at her and continued her breakfast.

"Who was she?" Christopher asked, "Did she see anything?"
"No sir, she was just sitting near the river with Mrs. Nicole's dog but he starts barking when he saw us." Martin explained, "So she is a guest?" He asked again "I think so, maybe her granddaughter or something." He said.
"Next time be more careful Martin," Christopher warned him.

"Excuse me?" Amy said to the bartender "Can I have a beer please?" She sits near the bar waiting for her drink.
It was too hot outside and her ride here made her dehydrated "Here you go." She smiled at her "New here?" The bartender girl asked.
"Yes." Amy answered "That's obvious," the bartender said, "Oh really?" Amy giggled with her.

"So what brought you to this town?" She asked, "A new start I think." Amy said and drink.
"I'm Sandra by the way." The bartender said, "I'm Amy." She shook her hand and continue drinking.
"Are you looking for anything?" Sandra asked, "Yes actually, a job." Amy said.
"I went to the store across the street but they told me they are selling the shop."

"That's right, Mr. Gregory is buying the place." Sandra said, "Oh, and what is he doing with it?" Amy asked, "He bought the store next to it too, he will redecorate them and open a car shop for his son." Sandra said.

"Oh wow, seems like a good father." Amy said, "And he owns this restaurant too." Sandra said "Oh." Amy remembered what Nicole said about the restaurant and how his owners are involved in dirty business."

Sandra noticed the uncomfortable looks in Amy's eyes "Don't worry, we won't bite." She winked her.
"I didn't mean to be inappropriate." Amy said and Sandra laughed "No, you are fine, everyone talks about the Rodriguez in this town." Sandra said "The Rodriguez?" Amy asked, "Yes, the owners of this place and almost most of this town." Sandra explained.

"Oh, look that's his son Christopher." Sandra pointed at a man who was walking towards one of the big tables, he had a white stetson hat on, with blue jeans and a big black belt.

"The guy with the hat?" Amy asked, "Yes, we called it stetson here." She paused "He is a hot tanned guy too." Sandra giggled.
Amy rolled her eyes "He is okay." She giggled "Okay? are you kidding me, half of the girls there want to get into his bed." Sandra said "Not me," She paused "I have to go now thanks for the beer, I should start looking for a job." Amy said her goodbyes to Sandra, she liked her.

Amy took her bag, car keys and went to the front door of the restaurant, she felt all the eyes were on her and when she turned around she saw Christopher was watching her too.
His eyes were studying her moves "Sir, that's her." Martin whispered "Who?" He asked, "That girl from yesterday, she's riding Mrs. Nicole's car too." Martin pointed.

"Come on." The car was not working, Amy tried to start it but it was not doing anything.
Christopher sits behind the windows of the restaurant watching her straggling with the car, "Sir?" Martin asked when he saw Christopher walking outside of the restaurant towards her.
"Need some help?" Christopher asked, Amy looked up at him and she was surprised by his presence.

Christopher was a tall good looking guy, he had light brown hair with light brown eyes And great toned and tanned muscles.
"Mmm, I think it's not working," Amy said slowly, she remembered Nicole's words and what she said to her, Amy's face went pale, she was not comfortable with him around.

"I will check the Engine." He said and opened The car's tableau, "Try now." He said a few moments later, she started the keys and it was working!

She went down from the car and walked to him while he was closing the tableau "Thank you Mr." She said, he looked down at her from head to toe. "You are welcome, ma'am." He said with a smile, Christopher looked at her fingers searching for a ring but it was empty.
"I should go now." Amy said, "I'm Christopher by the way." He said and Amy looked back at him "I'm Amy." She tried to said but her voice went weak.

"I'm Amy." She said again when she saw him walking towards her "You are new here, but they told you already." He smirked.
"What?" She tried not to show him that she knows who he was.

"Don't worry Ms. Amy, we don't hurt women and definitely not you." He half-smiled at her, Amy's back was facing her car's door.
Christopher walked slowly towards her until her back was too close to the car's door, he bent down and his face was facing her she felt his breaths on her.

Probably from the fear she was in she forgot to answer anything he said, he clicks her door opened and pushed it on their way but that made Amy moved closer to his chest.
"What are you doing?" She said whispery "Opening the door for you, young lady." He smirked.
Amy tried to back away from him but the car's door was blocking her from the front and his body was blocking her view too.

"Can I go now?" She said again looking up at him, he nodded at her and took a step away watching her starting the car and ride it away from him.

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