Part 9

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© Joanna Bock 2012 All Rights Reserved.

First Draft


CHAPTER 11 continued….

“But it isn’t on earth is it?”

“Not exactly but it doesn’t exist on any solar maps or anything like that either.” Josh told her.

“And what are you?”  

“I am like you, a faerie but I am a half blood.”

“Is your father a faerie or__” She let her question hang unfinished, she really didn’t want to think of the ice queen being like her in any way. Josh nodded but he didn’t say anything. Sarah played the legend over in her mind, letting each piece of Josh’s statement sink in before moving on. A child of one, raised by another would be me my mother being one raised by another.


She looked at Quynn realising he was her grandfather. she asked him if he considered her his granddaughter.

“I never considered Laurenia to be any thing less than my child if not by blood than by love alone, therefore I have always thought of you as nothing less than my grandchild.”

“Um__ you look kind of too young to be my grandfather. I mean you look about 30, do elves age well or__” Sarah winced. She didn’t know how to say, ‘or did you adopt a kid while you were a kid’ without sounding tactless.

“You could say we age well. I am 216 by the years of the Greenstone realm much older in year within your realm there are 416 rises of the sun here 13 cycles of the Luna moon.

Sarah stared. She was stunned into silence and was a little concerned if she said anything now she would only end up putting her foot into her mouth, it was nothing new for her, but she wasn’t keen to give everyone a free demonstration.

“Who is my Grandmother?” Sarah asked deciding it was probably better to change the subject.

Quynn’s expression saddened at her question, and he took a moment before answering, looking down at the floor giving Sarah the impression she had succeeded in putting her foot in her mouth. “Her name was Zarriah; she would have been honoured to have met you child.”

“I’m sorry__ was she as old as you.” And there is that taste of feet again Sarah winced, but Quynn gave her a small smile before answering. 

“She was 193 when she passed. It was 73 suns ago as far as I can predict.”

“I didn’t mean to upset you Quynn. I am sorry if__” Sarah stopped when she saw Quynn shaking his head.

“It is fine, without asking you cannot not seek knowledge, and for that I am proud.”

“I think you are already rubbing off on me.” Quynn returned her smile and nodded.

“It will happen Sarah; each of those who swear a oath to you, who possesses Affirmaties will give a piece of that to you, wisdom, passion, and no doubt there will be others, even Joshua’s sense of protection has marked you, it is not an Affirmity even though he possesses a strong sense of the act, all of these things will only dust you lightly, offering you an ability, yet nothing so strong as to influence your choices, the boys have been forced to hide certain truths from you Sarah.”

Sarah nodded and turned to Josh, staring at him for a long moment before she spoke. “That’s why you followed me and watched me, it was to protect me but__ but why?”

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