Part 2

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© Joanna Bock 2012 All Rights Reserved.






“YOU fool Josh, how do you think you're going to protect her from someone like Mia if you are so easily deceived even by Sarah when she has nothing on Mia, Hell you dick Mia affirms to this stuff and you can’t even pick it up in your own sister.” Lucas stared at Josh like cold stone, all his usual easygoing humor had trained away. “And you say I can't lie, you might as well have held up a big sign saying I'm telling a load of bull crap so do whatever you like, because that excuse not only did that excuse stink of crap. It was crap.”

“But it’s true.” Josh said defensively, before quietly adding “At least it is if you're Jamie or Rachel. What was I supposed to say to her? Stay out of the woods you might be attacked by___”

“Shhh shut up you egg, do you want to tell everybody, I am pretty damn sure she would really love that. oh you are perfectly welcome you can tell all the secrets of my Realm to everybody you want’ here Bro have a microphone make short everybody can hear.” Lucas scolded Josh for his stupidity.

“Well___ what are we going to do.” Lucas asked a little more comely lifting one eyebrow.


SARAH walked across the great lawn towards the woods that loomed growing in size in front of her, the trees here were old and sturdy, as she entered the branches seemed to pull together and block the daylight from above.

She stopped and looked up, she could see through small gaps in the green canopy above to the haze of grey that filled the sky above, she moved deeper into the woods, rain dripped though the trees soaking her hair and clothes, her feet sunk into the soggy leaves that littered the ground from the fall and previous winter, Sarah was glad she had worn her boots but she wished she had grabbed a raincoat before she had left the house.

Sarah walked further into the trees letting her thoughts wonder, How big is this place anyway and I wonder how far I have to walk before I find the wall__ will I find it. She carried on further and further into the trees, hearing the sound of water ahead of her she decided to investigate.

As she neared the source of the sound she saw a stream the water flowed quickly around large rocks, each one was perfectly round, some of the stones were almost as tall as she was but most ranged from the side of a basketball to a large yoga balls. Every single one a pitch black in color, the bottom of the stream was covered in thousands of marble sized stones just like there giant counterparts.

Wow magic is at work her because this is truly amazing.

Sarah bent down scooping her hands though the cool water closing them she’s scooped up a handful of the small stones and sat at the water’s edge she placed her feet into the water boots and all; coldness seeped through them but her feet remained dry, for that she was thankful.

She took the stones one at a time skimming them over the water but the current was too strong for them to bounce.

When she had had enough she walked on deeper into the woods following the edge of the stream. Spring flowers in clumps of new grass bloomed, some only slightly, some not all still sheltering against the cold that still hung in the air from the previous rain. Sarah could hear birds and insects along with the drips of rain from above her. She came to a large boulder sitting halfway into the stream; she climbed up onto it puling herself up until she could stand.

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