Part 13

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© Joanna Bock 2013 All Rights Reserved.

First Draft



LUCAS turned as the tree where Sarah and Josh were hiding was about to go out of his sight. He looked up his eyes meeting Josh’s. He waited until he was convinced Josh understood he didn’t want Sarah to see what was all around her. He shook his head waiting for Josh to give him conformation he understood. He nodded and Lucas took a deep relief filled breath. As he turned leading Jarred and Donia into the trees.

He knew Josh wouldn’t want Sarah thrown into this situation anymore than he did.

“We have to wait here. Think about it Sarah. If there is still any danger down there we would walk straight into it if we get down now.”

“Fine.” Sarah said. Lucas could hear the resentment in her voice as she huffed. Lucas wanted to chuckle. He loved everything about her but he knew Josh was going to have a mission on his hands with her.

“Lucas will come as soon as he can Sarah. He wouldn’t dream of leaving us up here longer than he really has to.” Josh added a moment later. Lucas knew it was a message to hurry up and do what he had to do. He wished he could laugh at Josh right then.

“Shift back__ both of you.” Lucas growled after he had shifted into his human form himself.

“Bro I__” Jarred began straight away.

“Shut up Jarred. Why are you here?”

“You called Lucas. I came because you are my brother.”

“You’re too young for this Jarred.”

“I’m not that much younger than you are Lucas. Stop treating me like a kid.” Jarred snapped shouting at Lucas.

“Yea, All right I know that. But this is dangerous Jarred. I need protection for__” Lucas decided he wasn’t going to give Donia any information she didn’t already have. He stopped talking only adding, “The threats are bigger now.”

“I’m up for this Lucas.”

“Are you? Because this isn’t__”

“A small thing. Yeah, yeah. I get it and I am up for this Lucas. Come on, give me a chance.”

“I can serve you too Lucas.” Donia said moving forward.

“I don’t want you.” Lucas growled turning on her. “You’re a traitor and I don’t trust you.”

“Shane threatened me. He told me if I didn’t do what his bidding he would kill me.”

“If you want me to trust you Donia, go home. Go home and tell them Shawn turned on you and Shane. Tell then he killed Shane and he threatened you that if you told your life would be forfeit. If I hear any differently Donia I will kill you myself. And on that I swear Donia__ Trust me,” Lucas growled.

“And if I do will you trust me then?”

“Well when you prove it I will consider it Donia. But I will not promise you anything. And one more thing Donia. If you tell anyone you saw us and I will hunt you down and you will fear the day I find you.”

“What about Jarred and Kaine?”

“Tell them you took off and you don’t know what happened to them.”

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