Chapter Twenty Five

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Everything was perfect. The food looked and smelled delicious, my dress was beautiful. Since this was a separated wedding, none of the men were here, they were all in the hall next to the women's. Everyone had smiles on their faces, it was absolutely beautiful Mashallah.

"Zainub!" A long line of women holding gifts formed in front of me. The person in front of the line, was none other than my best friend. Samia.

"Samia!" I called back. I jumped up from my seat on the stage and embraced her.

"Asalamuaklykum! You look so beautiful Mashallah!" She pulled away from the hug, examining my dress with a wide grin.

"Aww, thank you hubibti!" She held out a large decorated box in front of her. My name was scrawled on the top.

"This is for you, I hope you have a wonderful time being married, and may Allah send his infinite mercy and blessing upon both, you and Hussen!" She handed me the box and we hugged again. She then left, waving at me as she went down the steps of the stage. The next person in line was my new mother in-law, Hala Zaria.

"Salam my daughter! I'm so happy for you!" Tears of joy started flowing out of her eyes. She handed me her gift and left.

I stood there, on the stage, smiling, hugging, receiving gifts. Soon all of that ended when Ummi called for the women to put on their hijabs. Hussen was finally coming. Ummi and Hala hurried up to me, unpinning my Hijab, and letting my loose curls out. They quickly touches up my makeup and called for Hussen to come in.

He slowly walked through the door that seperated the men and women. His gaze lowered, his hair was just a little rumpled. He looked up from the ground, making our eyes lock. His face instantly lit up, my face mirrored his. Hussen finally made it to the stage, with the rings in his hand.

"You look beautiful," he whispered into my ear as he sat down in the seat beside mine. I felt my face quickly heat up.

"Here, hold out your hand." Without even thinking, my hand shot out in front of him. Hussen slowly placed the ring on my ring finger. With the silver band, and the tiny little diamonds peppering the band, the ring was absolutely gorgeous.

"Hold out your hand." My voice shaking just a bit. I slid the silver ring onto his ring finger, the same as he had done for me.

As soon as the audience saw the ring on his hand, they began clapping and shouting and crying out.

After the cheering ended, we read some Quran, the elders recited some duas.

Just as Hussen was about to desend from the stage, I grabbed his sleeve, making him turn to face me.

"Hussen," His eyes darted around my eyes, looking for an answer for my actions. "Promise me... Promise me that, you will take me to Jannah." The words just came tumbling out, but he wasn't fazed by the words.

"I can't promise you anything Zainub, but I can promise to love you, and treat you as the woman you deserve to be. I will do everything in my power to take you to Jannah," he paused, a smile playing on his lips. "As long as you promise to take me to Jannah." I smiled and nodded, and with that he left. The next time that night, I would see him at Maghrib time.

The Azan suddenly played through the speakers, indicating that it was time for Maghrib. I became very excited, Hussen had promised me a surprise at Maghrib. As the Azan played, people began filing out of the hall, since the celebration was over. Everyone had left, except for Hussen. He was standing in the middle of the hall, with his car keys in his hand.

"Come on." He beckoned from me to follow him. Hitching up my dress, I made my way to him. We got out of the hall and into his car that was parked by the curb.

"Where are we going?" I asked

"That's a secret." He simply said.

We drove a few miles, and finally parked outside of the masjid.

We walked into the masjid, it was completely empty, except for two prayer mats set by each other. Everything suddenly folded together, we were going to pray Maghrib here, together.

"I did promise I would do everything I could to take you to Jannah, didn't I?"

Well, this is the last chapter, sorry if he story was short, but I like personally enjoy short stories that are sweet and get right to the point. There will be an epilogue Inshallah, can't wait for that!!



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