Chapter Twenty Three

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There's just two more days until my wedding, I thought as Ummi and Hala Zaria examined the poofy dress on me.

We were searching for a dress for the wedding, and even though the wedding was in two days. We still hasn't found the "perfect" dress.

"I really like this one Najma," Hala Zaria pointed at the dress a was currently wearing. It was a regular white dress with a long train in the back, lacy sleeves and a high collar with pearls. The entire front was covered in sequins and beading, the beaded belt strapped around my waist sparkled as I twirled slowly in front of the mirror.

"So is this your final decision darling?" The desginers voice dripped with a heavy French accent. The dress was beautiful...

"I'll take it!" I smiled a t my reflection and at Ummi and Hala Zaria.

"What do you think of is Asia?" My little niece sat on the couch by Ummi. She looked up from her 3DS to look at me. Her eyes shone when she layed her eyes on me.

"Hhh! I love it Za-za!" She clapped her hands, using my old nickname.

"Okay, let's get you out of this dress then. Come, come darling." The French fashion designer gestured to me and helped me down the pedistle I stood on.


"Hussen!" I stood at the doorway of our apartment. I heard loud mumbling and rustling down the hall.

"Zainub?" I thought you weren't coming till Asr?" Hussen walked put of the bedroom in rumpled sweatpants and a T-shirt.

"Well I'm back," I walked up to him and gave him a quick peek on the cheek as I walked to the kitchen. "Did you miss me?" I chuckled as he slowly nodded. Stunned by the peck I had given him a few seconds ago.

"Why didn't you wash the dishes?" I frowned at the plates and cups piled up in the sink. Hussen walked into the kitchen scratching his head.

"Umm, I fell asleep while studying." Hussen scratched the back of his neck, embarrassed.

"It's okay, I forgive you." I said dramaticly. Hr chuckled nervously. "Okay, let me finish washing the dishes then we can go to the restaurant for catering." Hussen nodded and walked out of the kitchen and into the living room. I turned the tap on and squeezed a dime size glob of dish soap on the sponge.

When I finished washing the dishes, I threw on a coat and a different hijab. Hussen was dressed and waiting by the front door. He stared at his phone, his face almost serene. His hazel eyes darted up from his phone to look at me.

"You look beautiful, shall we go?" He held the door open for me.

"Sure." I walked through the door, with Hussen right at my heels.

When we entered the restaurant, we were met with glares from random people in the restutant. What did we do? I wondered. I then remembered, what I was wearing. I was wearing a hijab, and people glared at me for that.

"Excuse me? Why are you here?" A tall slim woman in the resturant's serving uniform said toward us. She looked at me, her eyes lingering on my head as she scanned both me and Hussen from head to toe.

"We're here for the catering, we're having a wedding soon and we wanted to look at the menu." I said. Trying to add confidence to my voice, but failing horribly.

"Oh," the woman huffed rudely. "I thought you were here to bomb the place." She added under breath. My eyes widened. I turned to Hussen to see his reaction, but his face was as hard as stone. No emotions.

"How dare you say that to us?" I snapped back at the woman. She whipped around to face me.

"Well isn't your religion all about hurting and killing others?" She smirked at me haughtily.

"No, it's not about that. It's actually about peace and forgiveness." My glare boring into her skull. "And how would you know anything? Have you read our Quran? Have you studied our every move?" I added with more fierceness in my voice.

"That's enough Zainub, we didn't come her to bicker. We came to order the food." Hussen held my shoulders back. I was ready to pounce on that woman, how dare she disrespect my religion.


Hope you guys like that chapter! I think for now on I'm gonna dedicate chapters to authors who've really inspired me and gave me ideas as I wrote this story. And I'm thinking of changing Hussen's name, if you guys have any suggestions please tell me! And I'm sorry if my story is a bit biased and if i have offened any other religions I am very sorry, please forgive me. May Allah(God) bless you! Comment, vote, and follow!


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