Snow chains/fun in the mountains

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Disclaimer: I do not own all characters in this story; All characters from Fireman Sam and The Night Shift are owned by Mattel/Wildbrain and NBC Universal.

It was a snowy day in Pontypandy, The mountains were covered in snow, and the streets were slippery. Sam was walking down the pavement when he saw Malcolm and Rose of the Pontypandy Police working on the Snow Chains for their 4x4. He was carrying a container with the Snow chains for Jupiter, Venus, and Phoenix for Station Officer Steele. "Hello there, Rose. Hello, Malcolm." He called.

"Hi, Sam."

Sam gave a look at the snow chains being fitted onto the Tires of the Police 4x4, then he looked back at Malcolm. "Those snows chain fit perfectly." He said. 

Rose Ravani who was the leading Police Officer peeked out from the other side of the 4x4. "Yep, we need to make sure we are all safe on the roads of Pontypandy." She said. 

"Well, I brought Snow chains for Jupiter, Venus, and Phoenix."

"I hope you know how to fit them on properly." Added Malcolm.

Sam laughed, then he thought of Elvis who keeps getting tangled in the Chains and they had to get him untangled. "Don't worry, I know how to fit them on. It's just that Elvis can get tangled in them, and we have to help him out of them." said Sam.

Rose laughed at the fact how Elvis keeps getting tangled in the Chains, then she had an Idea. "I think Elvis will need to come over and learn from us on how to put the chains on properly." she told Sam.

Sam thought about Rose's Idea, then he was thinking about the Job he had to do, he didn't want to be late. "Good Idea, Rose. I'll send Elvis your way, see you later." He told Malcolm and Rose.

"Bye, Sam." They both said as Sam started walking to the Fire Station.

Sam was walking to the Fire Station when he saw Norman, Mandy, Hannah, Derek, Sarah, and James. "Hello, Fireman Sam." They all said.

Sam looked happy to see them. "Hello, Everyone." Replied Sam.

"Guess what, Uncle Sam?" Asked Sarah.

"What's up, Sarah?"

"We are going up to the Mountain to have some fun in the Snow."

Sam was surprised to here that they were going to play in the Snow, but he also knew that the mountains were dangerous in the snow as there were avalanches occuring. "Well, that sounds fun. You all need to be careful though. The mountains are very dangerous when snow is around." The kids looked at each other, then at Sam. They agreed that he was right about the Mountains being a dangerous place at this time of the winter. "We will Fireman Sam." They all said, and off they were to the Mountains.

Back at the Fire Station,

Penny, Arnold, Station Officer Steele, and Elvis were clearing the driveway from snow when Sam walked up from behind with the snow chains. Ellie was up in the Mountains at the Mountain Rescue Center with Tom and Moose who call themselves the wild men of Pontypandy. "Morning, sir." said Sam to Station Officer Steele.

He was looking to see who it was, but he knew the voice to be his leading Firefighter. "Good Morning, Sam." He replied.

Sam came forward with the box of snow chains and met Station Officer Steele in front of Jupiter. "I brought the Snow Chains for Jupiter, Venus, and Phoenix ready to be fitted." He said as he handed his Station Officer the box of Snow chains for the 3 vehicles.

Station Officer Steele looked at the chains after he opened the box. He was pleased as he arrived on time. "Well, that should help us from skidding on the ice all over the roads." He said as he closed the box.

Penny was pleased that Venus will be fitted with chains for the Tires. She remembered the time when Venus nearly skidded as there was ice on the road to an Emergency. "That's true, sir. Venus has been like this last night when I was heading to the Ocean Rescue Center." She said as the two firefighters walked back to clearing the Snow off the Driveway.

Station Officer Steele forgot about the time that Venus was a special vehicle with a water cannon. "Oh, I forgot about that. Sorry, Penny." Steele said as he apologized to his firefighter.

Sam remembered that Malcolm and Rose were training Elvis for the Snow Chains that he keeps getting tangled in. He walked over to his fellow firefighter to tell him. "Oh, Elvis. Malcolm and Rose want you at the Police Station for some training on Snow Chains." He said as Elvis was clearing Jupiter's Path.

Elvis looked at Sam, then at Jupiter. He agreed that his fellow firefighter wants him to be retrained on snow chains. "Ok, Sam. I will be there." He said as he started walking to the Police Station.

Sam helped finish clearing the Path for Elvis while he was gone to speak to the Police.

Up in the Mountains,

Sarah, James, Hannah, and Mandy were making a Snowman when Norman and Derek threw Snowballs at their creation. The other children were not pleased with them. "NORMAN!" Shouted Mandy.

Derek was surprised that Mandy shouted at them for throwing a snowball at her. "Oops, sorry Mandy." Derek said looking apologetic.

Norman grabbed another Snowball. "Want to play snowballs, Mandy?" He asked his friend.

Mandy looked at Derek, then Norman. She grabbed a snowball and began to aim at Norman and Derek. She was ready. "Alright then, Norman Price. You're on!" She called as she threw the snowball at Norman.

The others began to throw snowballs except for James. He looked and notice that something bad was about to happen. Sarah came over and tapped him on his shoulder. She then looked at her brother. "Let's join in, James." She said.

But James did not want to join in, he knew he didn't like throwing snowballs. So, he turned to his sister. "I don't like snowballs being thrown around." He told his sister.

Just then, Hannah moved over to them. She placed a hand on his shoulder to reassure him that he will be fine. "Don't worry, James. I'm sure you'll be fine once Mandy and Norman finish their games." She said to Sarah's twin brother.

James looked at Sarah. Then at Hannah. "If you're sure, Hannah." He said. He looked worried.

Fireman Sam: Ellie and the Winter StormWhere stories live. Discover now