Finding them/Safe at last

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Outside on the other side of Pontypandy Mountain,

Penny and Arnold launched Saturn high in the air. Saturn is used in winter conditions when Tom's Helicopter is not needed. "Ok, Arnold. We need to keep an eye out for them." Said Penny as they began to launch Saturn. "Launching Saturn Now, Sam." Arnold called over the radio.

"I'm at the Forest. There's no sign of them. Anything, Elvis?"

"Nothing, Sam. I'll keep going north." Said Elvis to his friend over the radio.

"Malcolm, any luck?"

"Nothing yet, Elvis. We found Sarah's hat along with Hannah's which means they could be close." Said Malcolm over the Radio in the 4x4.

Meanwhile in the cold cave,

Hannah can hear a buzzing sound from the outside, she realized what that sound is. She asked Ellie and Sarah to listen. "Listen. I think I hear something. Do you hear that?" Said Hannah as they all heard a familiar buzzing sound.

"I know that sound, it's Saturn!"

"Yes, it is Saturn!"

Outside in Venus,

the team was still searching according to their designated plan and Elvis was close to where they were. Penny and Arnold were close to the Mountain Activity Center when they noticed some body heat on the remote control for Saturn. "Penny, can you stop Venus for a minute? I think I found them." Arnold cried as he showed her the scanner.

Penny stopped Venus to look at the scanner. She was surprised by who Arnold had found. "Arnold, do you see anyone close by where they are?" She asked as she started to drive to their location.

"I see Elvis is close by. I'll send him over."

Elvis was with Jupiter all over the northern part of the mountain when he heard his radio. It was Arnold calling him. "Venus to Jupiter." Arnold called on the radio to Elvis.

"Come in Venus."

"We've located some people in a cave in your direction. You need to hurry and be mindful with the Siren."

"Ok, I'm on my way."

Elvis moved Jupiter towards the cave where Ellie was with Sarah and Hannah and began to start digging. Meanwhile, Ellie, Sarah, and Hannah were still in the cave injured and freezing when Hannah heard a familiar Engine sound from outside. "What's that? Sounds like Venus." Said Hannah as she heard someone get out and grab a shovel.

"Watch out for the spade, Hannah."

Hannah then called for Ellie. "Ellie, it's Elvis. I think he has Jupiter." Cried Hannah as she was happy someone had found them.

"Elvis, is that you?" Called Ellie as she heard Elvis start digging.

"Hang on, I'm nearly through."

Elvis soon turned on his Flashlight and saw Ellie, Sarah and Hannah. "Come on, let's get you all to Jupiter." Called Elvis from outside the cave after he finished digging.

Soon, Ellie, Sarah, and Hannah were rescued by Elvis and Jupiter. Hannah was moved out in her wheelchair by Elvis followed by Ellie carrying Sarah in her arms with her gear, and Uniform jumpers. She later sat by with Sarah in her arms on the side of Jupiter. "Shh. It's ok, Sarah. Elvis has found us, Sam is on his way." she soothed as Elvis grabbed blankets for Ellie, Sarah, and Hannah.

He later called all the others to his location. Ellie placed Sarah on the ground near Jupiter and stayed with her until Sam can check on her with Penny. Elvis then reached for his radio to tell Sam he found them. "Sam, I found Ellie, Sarah, and Hannah in the North Face of the Mountain. They are safe and sound. Head in my direction and look for Jupiter." Said Elvis over the radio to everyone.

"Roger that, Elvis." Came Sam's reply.

"Roger that, Elvis." Penny replied.

"On our way, Elvis." Replied Malcolm.

Soon, the rest of the crew pulled up beside Jupiter and Penny grabbed some Blankets for Sarah and Hannah. Ellie received blankets from Sam and Elvis. By the time Penny gave them the blankets, Sarah was too cold to move. "Sarah, I know you're cold, but I need to check to make sure you're ok." Said Penny as she knelt down beside Sarah who was cold, but happy to be out of the cave. Sarah nodded as she was too scared.

"I'm hurt too, Penny."

Penny noticed that she was hurt. "Oh, dear. Can you tell me where it hurts?" Asked Penny.

Sarah knew where it hurt, but she couldn't show her as she is still to cold to move. "My leg." Said Sarah sadly.

Penny felt for any pain, but she noticed that as she moved to check Sarah's leg, she was in pain from the movement. Penny then placed her hand on Sarah's forehead and felt it was cold. "Sarah, I'm starting to think you have been in there for too long. I'm going to have to take your temperature." Penny said as she removed her hand from her forehead.

So, Penny grabbed three thermometers for Ellie, Sarah, and Hannah and made sure that they were passed to each one. Penny then decided to see if Sarah had had anything to eat or drink while waiting to be rescued. "Sarah, have you had anything to eat?" Penny asked.

"No, I didn't have a warm lunch."

Penny felt her stomach to check for any pain. "Are you feeling any pain in your stomach?" Said Penny as she double-checked.

"No, Ellie had some tea for all of us to share."

"Oh, well that's a relief, I think you need to eat something when we get home or to the hospital. I need to check on Ellie. Sam is on his way, I think he would want to see you."

Sarah nodded, then she waited until Sam can check to make sure that she's ok. Penny then walked over to Ellie who was keeping warm in a blanket and some soup. Elvis passed some Hand Warmers to Ellie, Sarah, and Hannah. Penny then knelt down beside her fellow firefighter "Ellie, I need to take your temperature, I know we're both firefighters, but it's my job to make sure you're alright." Penny said to Ellie.

"Ok, Penny."

Elvis helped Arnold with Hannah's temperature and injury. Penny was checking Ellie's Ankle when she got a temperature for all 3, it was less than Normal reading 21 degrees Celsius. Penny had to tell Sam. Once Sam had arrived beside Sarah, he made sure she was nice and warm in the blankets. "Don't worry, Sarah. You're safe now." Said Sam keeping Sarah warm in the blankets.

Sarah was very happy to see her uncle Sam when Penny walked over to them. "Sam, I think they all need to go up to Newtown." She said as she showed him all 3 thermometers for Ellie, Sarah, and Hannah.

He was surprised by the temperature for all 3 and he agreed. "I would agree. I'll ask Elvis to take them in Jupiter." Sam said as he got up and walked over to Ellie and told her the news.

Penny called Jordan to let her know that they would be in Newtown soon. "Ellie, I think you need to go up to Hospital." He said to his fellow firefighter as they may have hypothermia.

"I agree, Sam. Sarah and Hannah hurt themselves when we found shelter."

"Ok, I'll ask Malcolm and Rose to take Hannah while you are in Jupiter with Sarah and Elvis."

"Ok, Sam."

Penny walked over to Sarah and Hannah so that she can tell them the news. "Sarah, Hannah. I think you both need to go to Hospital." She said.

Elvis picked up Sarah and placed her in Penny's arms so they can get her to Jupiter. "Will Ellie be there too?" Asked Sarah worried about her.

"She'll be there too, Sarah. You and Ellie will go in Jupiter with Elvis. Hannah, you will ride with PC Malcolm and Sergeant Ravani."

"Thanks, Penny." Said Hannah as they helped her in the 4x4.

Sarah was later placed in Jupiter in Ellie's lap with Elvis driving and Ellie's bag beside them.

Soon, they loaded up and left the mountain back down to Newtown Hospital where Jordan was waiting in the Emergency Room. Sam was sure that Sarah was coming down with Hypothermia. They had to hurry to Newtown before the storm blocks the road.

Fireman Sam: Ellie and the Winter StormWhere stories live. Discover now