Fireman Sam to the rescue

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Back at the Fire Station,

Station Officer Steele was reading the Weather when the Map Screen 700 went off. He rushed over to turn it on, and it showed Pontypandy Mountain. The Map screen read out loud to him."An avalanche has fallen down Pontypandy Mountain. Ellie, Sarah, and Hannah are missing in the mountains."

He was surprised by what it read. "Oh my!" He cried as he reached for the station alarm.

He then reached over to the Microphone and called Sam to the rescue. "An avalanche has fallen down Pontypandy Mountain. Ellie, Sarah, and Hannah are missing in the mountains."

Sam, Penny, Elvis, and Arnold slid down the poles to get their search and rescue gear on, and Penny and Arnold went in Venus, Elvis went in Jupiter, and Sam climbed onto Mercury. Sam decided to call the Police for assistance. "Hello, Rose? It's Sam. I just received word that an avalanche has fallen down Pontypandy Mountain and Ellie, Sarah, and Hannah are missing in the mountains." Sam called over the radio.

"Don't worry, Sam. We're on our way." Said rose over the radio.

Rose and Malcolm climbed aboard their 4x4 and off to the mountains they went.

Meanwhile up in the cave in the mountains,

Ellie was putting Hannah's injured hand in a bandage until they get to Newtown Hospital. Sarah's leg was kept in a bandage too, then it was moved very gently to a safer place for Ellie to keep an eye on. Sarah then reached for her jacket because it started to get cold and she was sad that they would never find a way out. "What's wrong, Sarah?" Asked Ellie as she was putting away her soup as it had frozen solid.

"I'm cold, Ellie."

Ellie went in her Backpack to reach for something. "Here, I got my Firefighting jumper until Sam can get us out of here." Ellie said wrapping her up in the Uniform jumper.

Ellie handed Sarah her Uniform jumper and Sarah kept warm in it while Ellie carefully moved her in her arms and then on the inside her Search and Rescue Uniform Jumper. Ellie knew that Sam would be worried, but she has the most medical experience in the Pontypandy Fire Service ahead of Penny. "Shh. It's ok, Sarah. Just keep calm, we're going to be fine. Sam will find us somehow." she soothed as Sarah was in her arms ready to have tears falling from her eyes.

Ellie knew that Sarah had been in an Avalanche before. "Is Sarah going to be ok, Ellie?" Hannah asked as she moved beside them so she can keep warm.

"Yes, Hannah. She's just scared because she had been in an avalanche with Mandy and Norman a few years ago."

Ellie laid the palm of her hand on Sarah's stomach noticing that she hadn't had lunch or anything to drink. She was worried that Sam forgot to pack a lunch for Sarah before she left for the Mountains. "Oh, Sarah. You poor thing." She said looking worried at her.

"Have I been sick again?"

Ellie looked at her, then she found some hot tea. "I think you forgot to eat something before you left, or maybe someone forgot to pack you a warm lunch." She said.

"Here, I have some tea for you until you have a nice lunch at the Fire Station."

Outside on the trails,

the Fire Service and the Police were arriving to organize a search party. Sam pulled up a map of Pontypandy Mountain on the Tablet found in Mercury's Storage case. "Ok, the wind is too strong for Tom's helicopter, so we need to only search on land. Penny, you, and Arnold take Venus and Launch Saturn in the East of Pontypandy Mountain. Elvis, you be searching on the West of the mountain with Jupiter. Rose, you, and Malcolm will search the north of the Mountain. I'll take Mercury and search the Forest." Sam said as he made the plan with them to find their missing firefighter.

"Roger that, Sam." They said together.

Soon, the team started searching all over the Mountain from their vehicles while the storm was beginning to whip up.

Meanwhile back in the cave,

Ellie, Sarah, and Hannah were still waiting to be rescued. Sarah had some Tea before Ellie passed a cup to Hannah and had one ready for herself. After they had some tea, Ellie put the tea in the bag so it doesn't get cold and then placed her hand on Sarah's forehead and noticed it had been feeling cold. Sarah was so cold, she wanted to hold on to Ellie in order to keep warm. Ellie allowed her to keep warm with her. Hannah was in her wheelchair trying to find her phone so she can let her Mum and dad know, but there was no signal. "Hannah, why don't you come and join us?" Said Ellie as she placed Sarah in her arms to keep her warm.

Hannah was moving towards Ellie to see what the matter was. "What's the matter?" Hannah asked.

"Sarah's cold, we're all hurt, and you're cold too."

"I feel like an Ice Cube, Ellie."

Ellie then looked at Sarah, she knew she had to keep her calm until someone finds them. "It's ok, Sarah. Shh. You'll be ok. We'll soon be out of here." She said in a soothing voice to Sarah as she hugged her close.

Fireman Sam: Ellie and the Winter StormWhere stories live. Discover now