Ellie in the Mountains

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Back at the Mountain Rescue Center, Ellie, Tom, and Moose were clearing the snow off of the Mountain Rescue 4x4 and Wallaby 2. Moose was clearing the control tower balcony from any remaining snow, Tom was removing the snow from Wallaby 2, and Ellie was clearing the Snow from the Mountain Rescue 4x4, then adding snow chains to the tires. Tom had just cleared the snow, then stepped back to look at the Helicopter he owns. "There you go, Wallaby 2. You're safe from any more falling snow." He said happily to his helicopter. 

He then walked into the Center to see how Moose was doing on the Balcony. "How's the balcony, Moose?" He called to his fellow Wild Man. 

Moose turned around to look at Tom. "It's looking great now, Tom. It should be ready for you to walk on soon."

"Thanks, Mate." 

He then walked down to Ellie who was clearing his 4x4 from the snow. "How's my 4x4 looking, Ellie?" He asked. 

"Your 4x4 is coming out of the snow, and it should be ready for the chains, soon."

"Thanks, Ellie. I was completely snowed under when I woke up this morning."

Moose had just finished the Balcony when he heard them talking. He went out to join them. "Really?" He said to his friends.

Tom looked at Moose, he thought it was funny. "Yeah, I got out of the center front door, and I was met with a pile of snow." Said the Mountain Rescue Pilot.

"Come on, let's make ourselves some Hot Cocoa before the cold hits us."

Back at the Fire Station,

the firefighters were putting the snow chains on Jupiter, Venus, and Phoenix. Sam helped Elvis with Jupiter while Penny put the chains over the tires of Venus and Arnold carefully maneuvered the Chains onto Phoenix's Tires. "Well done." Said Station Officer Steele looking at the Tires.

"Those snow chains look lovely." Said Elvis leaning on Jupiter.

"Sam, who's making the Tea?" asked Arnold as he went to put the box away. 

"I think Penny is making tea today." Said sam looking at his fellow firefighter in front of Venus.

"Alright, I'll put the Kettle on, sir." said Penny walking towards the switch to the garage door.

Back in the Mountains,

the children were still having fun, except James who was starting to think a storm was on the way. He was worried that they might get stuck in the snow. So, he left for the Wholefish Café without Sarah. She noticed he was leaving. "James, where are you going?" She asked her twin brother.

James turned to his sister. "I'm going home. I don't want to throw snowballs at anything or anyone."

"Ok, James. I'll see you later."

"Sarah, watch out!" Called Mandy. 

Sarah moved out of the way for the snowball to miss her. They continued on playing snowballs.

Back at the Fire Station,

the rest of the crew were in the kitchen with a cup of tea, and Lunch. They were just about to enjoy their lunch when the news interrupted with a severe weather warning. "We interrupt this broadcast to bring you a severe weather warning." The newscaster said with worry.

Arnold raced over to the radio so he can get their attention "Hey, guys. Listen to this." Called their firefighting friend.

"A severe snowstorm with heavy winds and a possible avalanche is heading for Pontypandy, and the surrounding area."

Everyone was surprised by the news that was sent to Pontypandy. Arnold then turned off the Radio. "That doesn't sound good." He said with a worried look.

The Fire Service had a plan for storms like this "I'll call the Weather Station." Said Station Officer Steele as he raced to the Control room.

"I'll get Malcolm and Rose to search the streets." Sam said as he reached for his Cell phone.

"And I'll get Tom, Moose, and Ellie to search the Mountains." Called Penny as she reached for her phone to call the Mountain Rescue Center.

Fireman Sam: Ellie and the Winter StormWhere stories live. Discover now