The search begins

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Back at the Mountain Rescue Center, Ellie was packing the tools for the snow digging when Penny called on her phone. "Hello, Penny." she said as she answered the Phone.

"Ellie, I need you, Tom, and Moose to search the Mountains, we got a big storm with a possible avalanche heading this way."

Ellie was worried. "Ok, Penny I will get them ready" she said as she hung up the phone.

The wild men of Pontypandy were enjoying some hot cocoa when Ellie walked in with her winter gear for the Mountains. She was on the phone with Penny about the Storm. "Tom, Moose. We got to make sure no one is in the Mountains, there's a snowstorm on the way with a possible avalanche." She said as she was running to the Lounge.

"I think the kids might be up there. Come on, I'll take the 4x4 with Moose, you can take the trails."

"Ok, Tom."

Back at the Café,

James walked in when Bronwyn saw him from behind the counter. Charlie was out in Newtown with Trevor picking up supplies after the news was sent about the storm. "Hello, love." She said as James sat down at the table.

"Hi, Mum."

"Where's Sarah?"

"She was in the Mountains with Norman."

"Oh no. I hope she is alright. I heard there was a snowstorm on the way."

"Oh no, I don't like snowstorms."

Back in the Mountains,

The children were still having fun unaware of the snowstorm in the area. Derek was passing a snowball to Norman and Derek threw the first one and it missed. Norman passed him another one and aimed at Mandy. "Take that Mandy!" Shouted Norman as Derek threw one at her.


"Oh no. The wind is picking up." Said Derek.

"Come on, everyone. We better find Tom and Moose." Said Hannah. 

They started to walk back due to the winds in the mountains. Sarah was feeling sorry that James left due to the snowballs, but she was worried that he is back at the Café. "I really want to get to the Mountain Activity Center. The wind is picking up really hard." Said Mandy as she began to shiver.

"Me too. This is the worst Mountain fun, EVER!" Norman said.

Suddenly, the wind blew Sarah's hat off along with Hannah's. They were buried in the snow unaware that Ellie, Tom, and Moose were searching for them.

Tom, Moose, and Ellie were still searching the Forest and the Mountains for anyone missing. Ellie reached for her radio to call Tom. "Any luck yet, Tom?" Ellie asked over her radio. 

"Not yet, Ellie. We can't see anyone."

"Ok, I'll keep looking. Over and out."

Tom and Moose were in the 4x4 searching in the Mountains in the same direction as the kids were coming down, Ellie was behind the kids while searching the mountains and the forest. Ellie can hear someone talking to some people. Soon, they saw a Blue jacket and green camouflage pants with a scarf. It was Norman Price. Ellie went catching up to them while reaching for her radio. "Tom, Moose. I found the children. They must've been having fun in the mountains with snowballs before the wind was getting worse." Ellie called as they were getting close.

"Ok, Ellie. I see them now. We'll take them to the Mountain Rescue Center in the 4x4."

Ellie came running slowly behind them. "Kids, It's me, Ellie. I need you to come with me, Tom, and Moose to the Mountain Rescue Center. Don't worry, you'll soon be warm with some hot cocoa." Ellie said making sure to reassure the kids that they are safe.

"Uh, Ellie. Is there a storm on the way?" Norman asked.

Ellie looked at the ground, then at Norman. "Yes, Norman. That's why we're here to find you. Come on, let's get you all to safety." She said as they started loading up the 4x4.

Soon, Tom helped with the back door of the 4x4 making sure that everyone was on board when suddenly an Avalanche had arrived in the mountain causing some heavy snow to roll down the mountain faster and faster. Ellie soon realized they were in danger. Sarah and Hannah were the last ones to board, but it was too late. "Tom, Moose. Get the rest of the Kids to the Mountain Rescue Center, I'll stay with Sarah and Hannah." She said as she closed the back door to the vehicle.

"Ok, Ellie. Moose, it's time to go."

"Ok, Tom." Moose replied.

Soon, Tom and Moose drove as carefully as they could back to the Mountain Rescue Center. "Come on, you two. We need to find shelter, and fast." She said as she was hurrying with Sarah and Hannah down to some shelter when they came across an empty cave.

"Quick, into the cave."

They went into the cave and the snow blocked the entrance. Ellie, Sarah, and Hannah were in the Cave. "Well, at least we're safe." Said Ellie as she tried to get up, but she couldn't.

She landed and sprained her Ankle. "Oh no, the snow has blocked our only way out. How will we get to the Mountain Rescue Center now?" Said Sarah as she was moving on one leg towards Ellie.

"I don't know, but I think we better stay here until someone finds us. Right, Ellie?" Called Hannah as she wheeled herself from the Entrance.

"Right Hannah."

"Ellie?" Called Sarah.

"Yes. What is it, Sarah?"

"I think I've hurt my leg as I came in the cave before the snow came close."

Hannah hurt herself as she moved to the cave. "I've hurt my hand when I was moving myself to the cave as hard as I could." She said as she moved her chair towards Ellie.

"Don't worry, you two. I got a first aid kit, a light, and a blanket until Fireman Sam can find us."

Back at the Mountain Rescue Center,

Tom and Moose arrived with the rest of the kids when they realized Ellie never made it back in time. They also knew Ellie was with Sarah and Hannah. "Moose, I think Ellie never made it back in time before the Avalanche came close." Tom said as he unlocked the door. Moose looked around.

"You're right. I think we need Fireman Sam, Eh?"

Tom rushed in to call the Fire Station on the Radio while Moose prepared some Blankets and Hot Cocoa.

Fireman Sam: Ellie and the Winter StormWhere stories live. Discover now