August 13th (edited)

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I did it. I successfully ignored all of the boys for the past week. In the moment I was so focused on making my point to the boys that I never really thought about the fact that they were my only friends, so that was something. I had to make new friends so that I wouldn't be friendless going into 8th grade. 

Over the past week I made one friend, Lisa Peffercorn. That's right Wendy Peffercorn's  little sister. Wendy was going into the 10th grade and Lisa was going into 8th just like me. I had met her while sunbathing at the pool. I usually would be in the water but I didn't feel like getting wet. I went to get a coke from the concession stand when I bumped into Lisa. We started talking after that and became good friends we spent a lot of time together. She was honestly the complete opposite of her sister. She was like me a sport loving, ok with getting our hands and clothes dirty kind of girl. We dressed very similarly and she was super nice. She was also the kind of person who doesn't start a fight but will always finish one. She could end you in a verbal and physical fight, but you wouldn't know unless you messed with her. She gave me a couple tips on how to stand up for myself. 

I honestly don't know how we became so close in the course of one week but we did. She knew all about the sandlot boys and Phillips. She told me all about what happened at the pool last year and what she thought of them. But we didn't just talk about that, we talked about things like gossip and the meaning of life, blah ,blah ,blah. Just things people talk about on a daily. 

But the last week of summer was over and it was now August 12th, the last day before school starts. I wasn't dreading school because of homework and the actual academic part of school, I was dreading having to see the sandlot boys and Phillips. I worked so hard this week to avoid them which was hard since I saw them everywhere but I did it. Now I have to go to school with them.  I was not excited but I did have a new friend and a new attitude so I think I'll be fine. 

Smalls' POV

The minute Y/N walked out of the field that day our mood changed. We had only known her for a couple of days, but she made an impact on us. She wasn't like Phillips and any of the other girls in the neighborhood and we liked her because of that. Don't get me wrong I never like liked her I just liked being her friend, we all did. 

Once she left we did too. Not to go after her but to go to the sandlot. Once we arrived we all just sat down in the dugout. None of us said a word when we were walking there and none of us said a word now. We didn't have anything to say. We all knew what we did was wrong and we treated her poorly, but just like before none of us wanted to admit it.  

I looked over at each of the boys and they all had the same expression comforting their faces, sadness. I never thought I would see the day the boys were sad over a girl. I mean she was growing on us and she just left. 

"What do we do now?" 

Bertram said barely above a whisper. I cringed at the sound of someone's voice. 

"We go home. We come back tomorrow and wait." 

Kenny said. We looked at him in confusion. 

"What do you mean?"

I asked not daring to use my full voice. 

"I mean, we go home. None of us want to play and when we come back tomorrow we do play. We'll wait 'till she's ready to come back and forgive us. We all know what we did was pretty crappy and I know we all want to walk up to her house and ask for forgiveness, but I also know we all know that's not gonna work again. We'll respect her wishes and leave her alone. " 

We all nodded in agreement and grabbed our stuff and left.  We still didn't talk while dropping everyone off, but it was more of a comfortable silence now. 

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