Melted Ice Cream

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I let Tommy lead the way. I know he was disappointed that we were left alone by the rest of the group, so I want him to do whatever is going to make him happy. He's pulling me down the street towards the middle of town. It's pretty busy right now, since a lot of people are going home whether it be from school or work or whatever people do in their free time. Continuing to pull me down the road, I sense I know where we are going. Tommy's favorite place other than the Sandlot and the Treehouse is the ice cream parlor. He swears up and down that they have the best ice cream in the entire world. 

"This is where you want to go, Bud?" 


"Ok, then! Let's get some ice cream!" 

He drags me to the parlor with a big smile on his face. To say that he loves his ice cream is an understatement. We get to the counter and place our orders. I get a simple scoop of Rocky Road and Tommy goes all out with a banana split. 

We sit down in one of the booths towards the back and sit down in silence. Not the awkward kind though, with us? Never. Tommy is just too busy scarfing down his ice cream to carry out a conversation. 

Humming to myself I look around. Turning my head to the left I look out unto the bustling streets. Walking from the direction we just came from is a familiar bunch of kids. My jaw tenses in anger, but I push it down so as not to alarm Tommy. From my peripheral, I see them enter the convenience store across the street. In just a couple of minutes, they're walking out with a new ball. How dare they! 

First, they ditch us and now they're going to go play ball without us? What are we? Chopped liver?? Thankfully, Tommy is still too captivated by his sundae to realize I'm no longer touching mine. I push my cup away, having lost my appetite, and wait for Tommy to finish. 

Soon enough, the two of us are walking out of the ice cream shop and making our way back home. I want to talk to the rest of the guys, but I don't want to do it in front of Tommy. He's been through a lot recently. I really don't want him to see us all fighting. I don't know if the guys are at the Sandlot or not, but to just be safe I drop Tommy off at his house first. With a big hug, I send him off to the front door where his mom is waving at me. I wave back and start sprinting down the avenue towards the field. 

As I expected, they're all huddled up by the dugout passing around some pop. I don't even try to be subtle with my entrance. Why should I? I'm not here to sneak up on them, I just want to talk. 

"Didn't know if I would find y'all here or not." 

I say, standing in front of them. They all start saying their "hi"s and "hello"s and are acting as though they didn't leave me or Tommy out of whatever little group thing they obviously had going. 

"So... Timmy! Did you just happen to forget that you have a younger brother over at the elementary school?" 

I question, looking straight at him. Immediately his face falls. He starts chuckling nervously and before he can open his mouth I answer his question. 

"He's fine. Back at home with your mother, actually. I hope Mrs. Timmons doesn't find out that I fed him dessert before dinner, but I wouldn't even mind if she did. At least he's happy now." 

I look them all in their eyes and see that the two most guilty-looking are Bertram and Kenny. Bertie can't even look me in the eyes and Ken looks like he's biting his tongue. 

"Is there something you all need to tell me?" 

I quiz, walking closer to them. My eyes never leave Kenny's. He meets my gaze and starts to look uncomfortable. 

"Look, Y/N. Not that we're proud of this or anything, but we felt that we needed to have a conversation about the whole Benny thing. Without you. We just felt that, with you being such a Benny supporter and all, you might be biased." 

Kenny speaks slowly, almost as if trying to find the right words. He was so close! If only everything he just said wasn't complete bullshit, maybe he would've had a chance. 

"Benny supporter? Are you guys being for real right now? Benny supporter? BENNY SUPPORTER? WHAT KIND OF UTTER CRAP IS THAT?" 

I yell out. I didn't mean to lose my temper, but genuinely, what kind of shit is that? 

"Y/N...I love you and all. But, you're kind of proving our point right now." 

Ham whispers, scared that he'll get slapped so hard he'll see what Jesus looks like. His fear is not unprecedented. I take a deep breath and sit down. 

"Understood. I'm sorry. Please tell me your concerns and I promise that I will listen and not talk on any matter until you lot have finished."

I say calmly, obviously shocking them all. I don't know why they are all wearing a look of disbelief. Is it really that surprising that I can be rational? Actually, don't answer that question. 

As they each voice what was bothering them, I played with the little blades of grass beneath me. I can't lie, they made some good points. I'm just still a little upset that they couldn't have done this earlier. Or at the very least have invited Tommy with them. When they were finished, I got up and started walking to home base. 

"Um, Y/N?" 

"Yeah, Squints?" 

"What ya doing?"

 "Getting ready to play some ball. You?" 

"Waiting for your answer." 

"Oh shit! Right. Yeah sorry. Y'all do whatever you want and I will support it. As long as we agree that next time you want to do some sort of group talk without me, you take Tommy along with you.  Now are we going to play some baseball or continue standing around with our heads up our butts?" 

They laugh and quickly gear up, ready to play our daily game. 


Walking up the steps of school the next day I see Smalls and Benny talking. More like Smalls talking and Benny standing there silenced. I had an urge to go up and see what was going on, but I remembered what I told the guys yesterday. "Y'all do whatever you want and I will support it." Ugh! Why do I have to talk sometimes?? 

Soon enough the rest of the boys start piling into the conversation. I feel sweat grow above my brow. I can't even hear the conversation and I'm a nervous wreck! Right before the bell rings, I see Ham and Benny shake hands. I won't lie. I don't know what that means. But, it can't be bad, right? It's not like people go around shaking hands like, "Hey, great talking to you! I still hate your guts." Right? 

Having no other choice but to walk past them, I make my way up the stairs. Before I reach the double doors I feel a hand on my shoulder. 

"Y/N! I don't know what you did, but they forgave me." 

"Wait. Benny. They did?" 

He nods vigorously and before I can stop myself I jump into his arms. He lifts me up and then sets me down so I can turn toward the other boys. 

"Look at you guys! I guess y'all aren't such jerks after all." 

I joke with them. Yeah-Yeah hits me in the shoulder and rolls his eyes. We all laugh before heading into the school. We are definitely late, but I don't care. 

Ok, that's a lie. My homeroom teacher is scary. But at least we'll all be in detention together!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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