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Authors Note: I was thinking about this while planning the chapter, I completely forgot to put a TW sign at the end or even beginning of the last chapter. It totally slipped my mind. Obviously there will be some references to abuse in the household and I am completely aware that that can be triggering for some. I will not make this something too big, but it will be a part of the story in a way, as  Squints' backstory. I will put TW on any chapter that may have the subject talked about throughout it. I am so sorry. I am also aware that back in the 60s abuse in the household and from parents wasn't talked about, but it will be in the story. Body image will also be talked about, so there is a TW for that. Love you all.



The rest of the weekend went by fairly quickly. I sadly couldn't go to the sandlot on Sunday due to the fact that my mom ended up seeing my face. She got all freaked, understandably, and forbade me from leaving the house. Of course I told her it was due to getting it in the face with a baseball, which unlike Mrs. Timmons would have, she believed.  I wasn't that upset about not being able to go, because in all honesty I was in pain. But, not being able to go meant that I wasn't able to go check up on Squints. 

Now it's the end of fifth period, Ms. Callahan's class, my absolute favorite. That was totally sarcastic if you couldn't tell. Her class is the absolute worst. So not only was I anxious to talk to Squints after this, but I had to listen to her drone on and on about pi equations. Y'know... all that useless stuff. 

"Well that was the bell, you are all dismissed now." 

She muttered, slumping over in her chair like we are the annoying ones. 

"Finally. I thought it would never end."

I whispered while grabbing my books, before leaving the classroom. 

"I heard that Y/L/L!" 


I said making a face while walking faster out the door. Well that was embarrassing, I thought while rushing down and out the hall. 

I made my way to the cafeteria, passing crowds of kids. As well as my crowd of kids. Next thing I know, I'm thrown back by my backpack. 

"Sorry, Y/N/N!"

"Really, Bertie!?!" 

"I didn't want to you to pass us."

He says in defense. 

"And saying my name to get my attention isn't on the table?"

"Yeah, ok. But, what's the fun in that?"

"Oh, I don't know? My own well being? Just a thought?" 

I said while regaining my composure. I look in Squints' direction and he is completely avoiding any form of contact. As we make our way the through the cafeteria doors, I pull him aside. 



"Are you ok?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"You know exactly what I am talking about." 

"I don't think I do."

"Ok look. I'm not going to push or pry. Just know that I'm here for you. Ok?"

"Look, Y/n. This is my life. It's how it's always been. A little tough love never hurt anybody." 

"Squints, this isn't tough love. That is abuse." 

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