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The next day went pretty smoothly; that fake bitch whose world I rocked, she deleted all her social media and that's what I would call a victory. I'm a little bit of a toxic gal, if that wasn't obvious.

"Hey babe?" Jane called from the kitchen; I walked towards her "do you know if you can ask the neighbor for some sugar? It's a cliche white people thing, you don't have to say it and I just don't want to go to the store for some sugar and waste my time using it a few times than-"

"Hun, I'll get you your sugar just hit pause on the speech about it." She smiled sarcastically and opened the door for me, I smile and walk out. I knock on the door and waited for someone to answer, it took a minute and that's when I lost patience "hello?!"

"Can I just some sugar and you can go back to jacking off!" I shout through the door "fucks sake..."

"I took 2 minutes and 28 seconds to open the door and you're already insulting me?" a boy my age asked "you said sugar? What, forget to add sugar to the list while shopping?"

I shrug and wait by the door for him to just go get it, then leave. "You can come in if you'd like"

I mean why not? I could handle myself anyway, so I walked in and looked around. It looks exactly like my apartment by just inverted honestly but mine is pretty much minimal stuff and his is just packed full with furniture and a bunch of dj stuff.

"I'm Wayne by the way; I'm surprised we haven't met until now to be honest. I've seen you and your girlfriend around but never got to introducing myself."

"She my friend and I've never seen you before; if I did I probably never would have talked to you anyway..."

"Damn and whys that?"

"You look like an asshole." I shrug; he pours the sugar in a Tupperware and snapped the lid shut. He handed me it and laughed.

"Are you usually this blunt?"

I shrug "you'd really like my brother's roommate, he's an asshole too."

I raised the sugar and shook it "my girlfriend is waiting on some sugar and if she doesn't get it now she won't give me some sugar either."

I turned around about to leave "wait you never told me your name!"

"Call me Uno." I walked out and went back to the house, I sigh "we have quite the chatty neighbor."

I see Jane standing in just a tank top and underwear, I ran up to her and smacked her ass "fuck you, but who did you ask the weird cat lady? She told me some fucked shit last week about her deceased husband man, some stuff that I might consider moving out the building."

"No it was some guy named wade or something." I put the Tupperware on the counter and she snatched it without hesitating she dumped most of it into her coffee "but what did she say?"

"I'm not telling you, you're probably going to enjoy and then go to her house and ask for most stories."

She knows me so well, I look at the time and it said 2:22. I have work at 3:30 and I have to beat traffic and get ready so I have to get ready around now. "Yeah I want to know what she said later but I have to get ready for work now but what time are we going out later because I want to get shitfaced."

"Don't know what time you off, 10?"

I shook my head and took her coffee, I took a sip and flinched "your coffee threw some hands with me; this is too sweet what the hell? And no I get off at 10:30."

"Then we can leave at like 11, ill drop you off so I can just pick you up and then go straight there. You can change on the way."

I nod my head and then rushed to my room; I slid on my jeans and white button up that'll cover up my tattoos. I work at a hotel as the manager and they know I have tattoos but customers get intimidated by me when I show them off because I'm not 'approachable'.

I put my hair up in a ponytail and put some timb's on. I grabbed my bag and dashed out the door with Jane being dragged by me, her still in her underwear and shirt snatched her keys off the counter. I love her confidence; she could be half naked and still not care if I drag her outside where people will see her.

We got in her car and took off; she sped through traffic not caring if she got in anybody's way. When we pulled up I saw Javier making out with some women in a red dress by his valet booth, I marched up to him and frowned.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" he screeched shoving her off him "do you know that this is your workplace? The place where I am the one deciding whether you get to feed your god damn wife and kids?"

"Wife? Kids" the girl asked surprised, she wiped her mouth and walked into the hotel with click clack heels on.

"You're such a cockblocker..." he muttered, I smile and his face drops.

"Give me your phone or you're fired." He grabbed his phone from his pocket and unlocked it quickly; I dialed his wife's number and held it up to my ear.

"What are you doing?"

She picked up and I opened my mouth "Hey Mrs. Gomez, my names is sunny. I'm the manager at your so called husband's workplace." Javier tried to grab the phone by I dodged him and kicked him in the balls "I just got here and I looked at his station and he had another woman there and they were sucking each other's faces and id thought to let you know. I'm having him fired for inappropriate behavior."

I handed him the phone to deal with the next line "get the fuck out of here Javier." I growled and scurried off like a scared puppy.

"Brutal!" Jane shouts as she drove away, I walked inside and went to the backroom for employee. I clocked in manually from the computer in my office, I can't wait to go out later; Jane decided to take me out to the club to ease the stress of managing a bunch of shitheads, I heard a knock on the door and some guy walked in.

"Hi, I called yesterday about job for valet..." he seemed pretty timid and I nod my head. I looked through my stack of paper of job applications.

"Your names  Jeff Hanser, right?" he nods, I grabbed his application and looked over it to see his previous jobs and see if they apply here with some experience, after I finished I looked at him "can you start today by any chance? Turns out you're perfect for the job, you have worked valet before and I lost my only valet employee for the day,"

"Yes, of course. I got the job then?" I nod "how much is the pay if you don't mind me asking?"

"Starting pay is 11 an hour but it rises on production for anyone including valet but it varies because production for valet...it's different, yours is how many cars not the supply and demand chain. But the hard work is another example of me giving a raise when production isn't nearly enough for a raise."

"Okay thank you." He nods his head but his facial expression shows that he had no clue what I just said, I don't really blame him. He probably just lied on the resume to get the job, that's what I did here. Look at me now..

I grabbed my radio and called in Ashley another valet worker that switches from that and clerk. "Hey Ashley can you show Jeff here the ropes?"

"Yeah sure, by the way my wedding is finally scheduled and you're invited officially but of course that was obvious...but it's in 8 months and Monty wanted me to tell you that you're invited to his bachelor party instead of the bachelorette party since you're, his words, manly."

"Tell him I appreciate it" I laugh "But get to work I'm trying to have the move pretty quick I'm getting lit tonight."

They walked out of the room and I sigh, I hope this isn't a long day.

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